Thursday, December 17, 2020


Snow arrived early yesterday morning.  It sort of made me feel like staying in jammies all day, sipping hot cocoa and watching America's Test Kitchen (love that show).  However, I had to tend the hens, fetch a load of wood, get the mail and whatnot, which required getting dressed and putting on snow boots.

I was a bit motivated by wanting to try a new crochet pattern.  Although my bedroom was/is a hot mess and needed tidied up.  I have crafting supplies all over it.  I'm not sure how my husband puts up with me, ha ha!

Well, everything is on hold here.  Our one daughter who works retail, said one co-worker is off awaiting a test for the virus (his wife is sick).  She (daughter) is in a panic and went to test as well, and results come in today or tomorrow.  Praying she is fine, but all plans are on hold until then.  It's pretty frustrating how anyone who is around anyone sick has to fear for their lives right now.  


  1. My heart goes out to all those affected by this terrible virus. So many people in despair it breaks my heart. Hope you manage to get some crafting done.

  2. It certainly is frustrating, your daughter will be in my prayers. I wanted to tell you how much I like the tic tax toe game you knitted, it would be great to give to kids while traveling in the car to keep them busy

  3. Thank you Mary, it's actually crocheted, but I think it turned out pretty nice. Thanks for the prayers for daughter too.


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