Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Cookies and random tidbits

 I decided to bake my Mom's sour cream cookie recipe for Christmas.  Although I am lacking my Christmas zippity do-dah, I got it done.

Youngest slept the entire day.  I know she got much needed rest.  She went to Urgent care but was sent back home.  No meds, no real diagnosis, so it's Mom's remedies for now.  They also did a rapid virus test (came back negative).

Our sunshine yesterday was gone as fast as it came sadly.  No sun makes a dreary lazy day for me.

Apparently there are thieves cruising the area, who are stealing flat bed trailers.  We don't own one, but it does put one on more of an alert.

I got out my iron and worked on the homemade cards to finish up Mom's gift.

Sad news from afar.  Cousin (she is my age) M's husband  is in the hospital with covid.  It doesn't sound like it's good.  Please say a prayer for her husband.


  1. My 89 year Old MIL, 89, in the last 6 months, fell, broke 4 ribs, had a surgical procedure to put a plate to protect her ribs so she can heal, lost her husband and caught the Vid. She is recovering now, after a bout with pneumonia. People do recover from the VID, sending prayers to your family member and healing thoughts. People do recover from it, not reported by the fake news crowd. Not on a regular basis. it is not news we get, because it's not positive.Very best to you and yours at Christmas, and the new year.

  2. Been feeling a little low myself here, stomach problems and a torn right rotator cuff. Have tests next week. Not looking forward to it but it's necessary because oldest brother has colon/liver cancer. The rotator cuff will have to come after the tests.
    Praying for your cousin's wife. So scary what the world is going through right now. Praying for everyone, with Covid and without it. My GP said they're estimating 60-85% of the world will get it to differing degrees, and it's so aggravating that some people aren't taking it seriously at all. Well, it will be what it will be.
    Take care my friend!!!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
    God bless you.


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