Sunday, November 22, 2020

Random Tidbits

I placed another book order.  I also ordered a few western movies for my husband for Christmas.  We are not really exchanging gifts this year, but it gives us something to watch Christmas day too.  We still plan to buy for two younger ones. We've just had too many car repairs expenses, and one daughter we co-signed for and moved out of state, stiffed us with 3 months of car payments then blocked us on social media.  I can't make this stuff up.

I just don't go to the library anymore.  First, without the car, had a horrible time getting help getting them picked up and dropped off.  Second, you can't just go and browse.  You have to make an appt, ring a doorbell and they come let you in.  I just caved and bought the book I need.

I heard back on the dehydrator part.  It's not in stock right now, but they suggested another door - $30.00 and no answer yet if it will work for my model.  So frustrating, considering this is not a cheap dehydrator.  I'm now told that my part will not be in until 2021.  For now, duct tape it is.  At least unless my husband can do anything else for me to rig it.

I've been successful at tackling (deep cleaning) one kitchen corner at a time.  One longer counter I keep my recipe boxes on was the one I dreaded.  I have a huge stack of papers to sort - recipes tried, recipes to try, receipts, patterns for crochet....just keeping busy, considering all that is going on in our homestead.

I added new recipes to this binder, but will re-print the cover and leave the year off of it.

Thanksgiving will be just the 4 of us.  Three of the older kids don't come around anymore, and we told our other daughter it was best she stayed home with her family and the grandkids this year.  Hubby's family invited us, but we declined.  Taking it safe and praying we all get our lives back to normal next year at the holidays.

I really don't have the mojo to stay busy today, nor focus on reading or crocheting, nor anything much.

Thank you all for your prayers, kind words and thoughts, and well wishes yesterday.  It's hard for me, as my Dad babysat my kids, mowed my yard when I was at work, built things for me, supported me when I was single raising 3 kids and working full-time, and even babysat until 1am one night so I could help stain trim that was going into my first house. I'm just happy that he was able to live his life out, while living in his own place.  I'll probably go through photo albums today and put something together for my family to see.  Those photos are precious and not loaded to the computer nor on a device - printed the old-fashioned way.

Today I am thankful for my husband's support.  He knew I was mentally suffering and brought us all dinner home last night.  He is even working all weekend and did that for me, so I wouldn't have to cook or do the dishes.  I just love that man!


  1. Kristina, The grief will get easier to bear with time. Loss of a parent is different than losing someone else. Your lifetime of memories come back to haunt and smile about.

    Your beloved cares and loves you. This is a very good thing at times like this. You need to be pampered and sustained for a while.

  2. What a sweetheart your husband is, such loving actions.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I've been dealing with health problems, but Dads and Moms are so hard to lose. It gets easier - it does, but it never entirely heals because no one else will ever replace them or heal the space they held in our hearts.
    Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours this Thanksgiving, and let's remember the reason for it is to give thanks even when things aren't going well because God has a plan for us to succeed in all things in His timing. (Jeremiah 29:11)
    With love and prayers.
    God bless you all.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.