Monday, November 9, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Even though I am home, which should keep the dogs calm, I now keep a kitchen radio on.  It keeps the dogs calm and they are more restful, which helps King stay relaxed.  Poor guy.  He hasn't had any more seizures, but this last one was bad.  Daughter ordered dog CBD oil.  Vet meds are too harsh for him.

Tiger has been hilarious and a pain lately.  He has been sticking his paw under our bedroom door again, and banging it back and forth at 4am.  It's funny when you hear about it, but 4am?  Then when I finally am able to let him in and keep an eye on him, he flares up and gets the zoomies like he just had a hit of catnip.  So funny.  Anyway, we got him a Kitty Villa and filled the bottom scratching pads with catnip.  Thought everyone could use a good laugh.  First time to figure out how to upload a video too.

I'm not on the hunt for a weather proof lock for the chicken coop.  We will see what we can find to rig up security for my ladies.

Saturday the weather was so nice, we hooked up with 17 people and 12 motorcycles.  Unfortunately, the couple that was leading the pack, and had the route planned didn't show up.  We re-routed and still had an all day sanity saver ride.

However, that meant work for Sunday.  It took all morning, but my husband got the chainsaw working again.  We also got a new seal on one of the house doors.  After that we took off on another short motorcycle ride.

Our 21 year-old's car broke down again last night.  So tired of this.  My car is still not back, so we are down a car again, and 3 working.  

Somehow, in moving yarn out and back into my closet (thanks to the revolving doors of kids moving out and in), I could not find one of my afghan hooks.  Sigh.  I literally went online and ordered another one.  I have no idea where it is, and you can bet your bottom dollar, that I will find it a year from now.  Or today.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .
Nice!  High of almost 80 degrees today.

On the breakfast plate this morning . . .
(photo to be added)
Bacon/egg/cheese sandwich, coffee
Change of plans - when the bacon was done we made bacon/bean/egg burritos.

As I look outside my window. . . 

On the to do list today or this week . . .
For the day:
-dishes, tidy kitchen, sweep and mop
-clean master bath
-dump ash pan and clean out wood stove

For the week:
-clean up office area in kitchen
-clean up bedroom (the craft supplies have gone awry)
-split wood
-put air conditioners in storage
-put new seal on garage door

Currently reading . . .

On the TV for this week . . .
The Man with a Plan

On the menu . . .
-breakfast for dinner
-chicken/basil meatballs
-Tex Mex Macaroni
-possibly something grilled tonight

Something fun to share . . .
Zuri, our one daughter's mountain cur/pit mix, is my chicken whisperer.  Louise flew the coop yesterday and she helped me catch her by literally just standing guard and not letting her pass (she didn't make a move).  Good doggie.

New Recipes we tried. . . 

I made homemade garlic cheesy bread for the first time last night.  It was delicious.  The family gobbled it up.  I made it to go with leftovers.  The dough was pretty easy to make too.  Recipe is free online at 

I also tried the Cheesy Chips in the Food Babe's cook book.  I used store bought tortillas, while I'm waiting on supplies to try her recipe for homemade corn tortillas, and the first batch was not crispy.  I had to bake them 30 seconds longer for the crispness, and used too much of the topping on the first, and didn't have enough for the second. Next time I'll split it in half before sprinkling it on.  They do have great flavor though. Overall, I think the homemade tortillas will work much better.

Not a recipe, but I made a new organic, cooked butterscotch pudding and the family loved it.  I added the suggested egg yolk too.  Very creamy and very good.

From the camera . . .

On the prayer list. . .
Our President, America, our state, for the virus to go away, King, and any personal requests.  Our daughter's car to be fixed, and finally fixed.


  1. Beautiful weather, not condusive however to inside things. Paying also for our President & Country. Good always wins over evil, every single time, somewhere somehow. Cheesy garlic bread...ahh comfort food and carbohydrates....just what we need, like a big hug.

  2. Those sunset pictures are gorgeous, and will definitely be looking at those recipes!

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your doggy having seizures. I'm sure you remember my Lola and it is just so heartbreaking to watch. I am praying that your doggy is healed by the stripes of Jesus.

    Thank you for participating every Monday, I appreciate you so much :)

    Have a blessed week.

  4. Tiger is just too cute. I love seeing cats all hyped up on catnip. So much fun.

    My guess is you'll find your hook the day the new arrives. THat is always how it works for me. I'm getting quite the collection of H's now.

    Those sunsets are stunning. I love a good sunset.

    Hope you have a great week.

  5. So sorry to read about your daughters car but thrilled to read you managed to get away on a motorbike ride. Loved the cat video, you are so right it really did make me laugh.

  6. Faith, the cheesy garlic bread was so good. I hand grated the cheese (didn't buy the bagged already shredded kind). It makes a difference too.

  7. Thanks Joanna. I think I bought the organic pudding off of Amazon. I'll try and post a picture of the box soon.

  8. Sandra thank you so much for the prayers for King. It's so heart breaking to see him go through this. I enjoy your Monday posts. It gives me something to look forward too. I'll be around hopefully today to read blogs

  9. Thank you Felicia. I too have lots of H hooks, but seriously need to organize again lol!

  10. mamasmercantile, I was playing it back and it made me laugh again, so I hoped it would put a bit of happy on my blog. Glad you enjoyed it.

  11. Just added that book to my want to read list. It sounds really interesting. Glad you were able to go on a ride. Beautiful photos. Enjoyed the video as well. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  12. Funny cat! the book looks interesting. Glad you got to enjoy motorcycle rides before it gets too cold.
    Have a great week

  13. Thank you Jean. Hope your week is great too.

  14. Luludou, I have yet to start reading the book, but hopefully this week. we will get colder weather again. Have a great week too.


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