Monday, November 16, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

In the beginning of the year, I accidently knocked my dehydrator front cover off and broke it.  I could not order another due to the business shutting down as well.  Well, it's beyond using, and I went online to order it.  Guess what?  Not available for the model I have.  I have sent an email, so I wait and see what they say.  So frustrating.

When I said we were trying to hang on to sanity, I didn't mean totally this lockdown stuff going on and our Hitler of a Gov.  I had to drive our 21 year-old to have emergency surgery on her hand.  She will be back to work tomorrow thankfully.  She does however, have 3 pins in one finger and will have it that way for 6 weeks.

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom (very late today)

The weather outside is . . .

Still a bit windy, 45/33 degrees, partly cloudy

On the breakfast plate this morning . . .

Sausage, potato and egg burrito, coffee

As I look outside my window . . .

There is a lot that got blown around outside, so I will be taking a look at what I need to pick up from the horrible wind storm we had Sunday.

As I look around the house . . .

It's a hot mess.  I had to drive my daughter to her bone specialist for bandages to be changed and to be looked over to make sure she doesn't have any infections.  

I'll get around here, since I'm posting so late, and get busy on the dirty dishes I left, and figure out dinner for tonight.

What I am wearing today . . .

Long sleeved Harley Davidson top, jeans, and pull on black boots.

To do today or this week . . .

-Drive a daughter to her doctor

-Stop at Hobby Lobby (taking advantage of being out of the house)

-Go pick up the car (YAYYYY!)

-wash dishes

-clean master bath

-blanch and freeze zucchini and kale

Currently reading . . .

On the TV this week . . .

DVD - White Lightning

On the menu  . . .

-Stove top Tuna/noodle, mashed tades, corn

-Crockpot chicken noodle soup

-chicken spaghetti, asparagus

Something fun to share to share. . .


This is the butterscotch pudding we tried.  I am not totally sure, but I think I ordered it off of Amazon.  I could not find any organic online from the health store we buy from.

Photo from the camera . . .
Popped open a jar of home canned tomato soup (minus the basil in this batch apparently).  So good!

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes, Devotionals. . .
Prayers for my daughter's hand to heal, our State, the election, Youngest daughter


  1. Oh dear - sorry to hear about your daughter and your dehydrator, but yay for the car :-)
    Blessings to you.

  2. Thanks Lady Locust, but the car wasn't picked up. Sadly. I hope today (Tues).

  3. OUch! that must hurt for your daughter. Sending healing vibes. Hoping the dehydrator and car problems get resolved this week.
    Have a great week

  4. Busy week. Lots to do and done. I am sorry about the dehydrator. Have a good I.

  5. Thanks Luludou, she is healing good thankfully, but it will take many weeks.

  6. Thanks GranthamLynn, I still haven't gotten an email back about the dehydrator part.

  7. Hope your daughter's hand heals soon. Sounds as though you have so much on your plate. Good luck with your dehydrator and car. Hope you have a great rest of your week!

  8. Sorry to read about your dehydrator. Your daughter will be in my prayers.

  9. Thank you Jean, her hand is healing nicely, but will take weeks to completely heal.


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