Friday, November 20, 2020

Christmas Traditions

We have had many fun and memorable Christmas traditions in our home.  First, I loved (loved!) being classroom Mom for the class Christmas parties.  I would literally try to sign up for them when school started.  I loved it!  I always made some sort of treat bag/treat container that was filled with fun.  By fun I mean a handmade ornament for each student, candy, and fun activities or toys.  Here are a few treat bags I made for Christmas.  Also, most years I hand wrapped each handmade ornament so the kids had something to unwrap.

Classroom treats were also made.  One year I dipped large marshmallows into melted butterscotch chips on a stick.

I had so much fun coming up with creative treat holders.  The one above was made from a toilet paper roll (bottom piece), and the top was an ornament that sat into the top.

Long time blog followers already know that I have a passion for making homemade ornaments for my family every year.  Well, every year until I got some comments that they "had too many."  Then I stopped, but I am making one this year.  The above one was made with gumball machine capsules.

I made so, so many ornaments over the years.  Many are on my S.C.R.A.P. blog, and if you search my blog here, I posted many photos of some.  Search handmade/homemade Christmas ornaments.  The posts should pop up for you.

Another tradition when the kids were younger - sugar cube castle building with frosting and candies.

We still have a tradition of gifting new and wrapped jammies on Christmas Eve.  We are now down to just the 4 of us, out of a family of 8.  This year I will gift everyone a few days earlier, so we can all wash them before wearing them.

I'm going to start a new one this year, just different from the idea of it all.  I will share when that happens.

Of course when the kiddos were young, they would leave cookies and milk out for Santa.  Making all sorts of cookies and candies was a family tradition, and saving some of them for New Year's Eve.

Over the years, trying a new cookie/candy recipe for the holidays became a tradition as well. One year we even tried an alcoholic breakfast beverage (adults).

Overnight breakfast casserole has been a long time tradition for us.  We only make it for Christmas morning.  I thought for sure I shared my recipe on my blog, but can't seem to find it.  I guess when I bake it this year, it'll get it's own post.


  1. Handmade ornaments and treats are the best. They remind me of Christmas as a child.

  2. I thought I would get to help with my grandchildren's school parties but I am told that everything must be purchased and in it's original packaging.

  3. G Dazeez, the pandemic surely changed everything for the kids (that are even in school vs. remote).


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