Friday, October 30, 2020

This and That

My new Christmas bed quilt.  I have never done this for the holidays, so when my husband sees it, he's going to shake his head, ha ha!  Not a great day for drying outside, but better than hiking up the electric bill.  It's not handmade sadly.  Quilting is not something I have yet to teach myself.  

Things have just gone a bit wonky this week.  One day I put my shirt on backwards, one daughter went to work and forgot her purse, every time we try to make plans to cut wood Mother Nature stops us, one daughter's package is delayed in the mail, ....can't wait until next week.  I think we are all a bit stressed with the virus, lockdown, car repair expenses, election etc. going on this year.

We had another entire day of rain.  Like boat loads.  I need to wash several rugs, but the weather is just crazy for October.  I'm thrilled it's filling up the well though.

I emailed the home goods store (sells handmade items).  No answer back.  I was talking to my husband, and he feels I should just advertise on my blog/social media and hold off shows for next year.  I plan on going in to talk to them to ask about their booth rental rate though.   Just to know if it's even an option.

If you didn't see it (or follow it), MRH blog has a post for how to make your own homemade pectin.  I just wish they'd have a print friendly form of the article, but anyway for those looking for more self-sufficient ways to do things.  I've never tried it, but I may if pectin is in a shortage.  The last pectin (liquid) I bought, I brought home to find out that it expired last month.  A grocery store that is notorious for not fronting the shelves and selling expired foods this year.  Check your dates before buying anymore.


  1. Good Morning Kristina. Your not having any Halloween parties are you? Gov. DoNothing says no, and our Thanksgiving & Christmas will be different to. Says who? I updated so if you click on the link it should show Cosmopolitan Cornbread You tube, and you can look for the Apron pattern and all her other videos.

  2. I made rosehip syrup this year and it set like jelly in the jar. I had to melt it all down and add loads of liquid to turn it into a syrup. It might be useful to make some rosehip syrup to add to preserving pan if you can't get pectin when you are making jam

  3. My font changed again! Darn it. Faith, no parties here. We typically don't. Years back we let the girls have a Halloween sleepover. They are older now. I don't host Halloween parties either. Not sure what we'll be doing for the other Holidays yet. I may not even get to have a family get together with my Mom and family either. She's in her 80's. I'll goggle the apron. thanks.

  4. Cherie, thanks. Rosehip syrup sounds good too. I may have to make some too.

  5. What a beautiful quilt! Very nice! We've had those wonky days (weeks) here and they always feel so everything's all in a jumble. Maybe next week will be better. We've had a lot of rain here, too, but the sun came out yesterday and is shining now. It's supposed to be really nice the next 10 days. I hope so! Have a great Friday and a lovely weekend! Blessings! :)

  6. I made home made pectin last year using very tart apples. It worked well. I will try and find the recipe for you (only trouble is I have TOO many cookery books!)

  7. I'm actually looking forward to the holidays this year so your quilt is gorgeous to me:-) I think everyone has a little 2020 fatigue, myself included.

  8. Thank you Rebecca, snow is expected this weekend, but down the road we may have nicer weather.

  9. Bovey, I'm the same way with cook books. I have a terrible habit of printing off news ones to try from the internet too.

  10. Lady Locust, I love Christmas. Thanks, the quilt should put a smile on my husband's face when he sees it.


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