Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Seasons Changing and other Ramblings

The leaves are not only changing colors here, but falling to the ground already.  I'm not ready for it, but fall is a beautiful change, and it's when things slow down.  Well, expect for the fact we need to start splitting wood.

The deer are on the move the last few days.  The top two were trying to cross the highway, and the buck was already across the road heading into some woods. I sat on the porch sipping coffee a darn raccoon decided to cross over into our property and into the ditch tree line.

. . . and they're out!  All 100-some of them.  Tomato tally for the year - (paste) 220.68#.  Of course I brought in more green ones, but those can wait for now.

I've been terrible about getting around to everyone's blog.  I hope to do that this week.


1 comment:

I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.