Thursday, September 17, 2020

Jalapenos and other tidbits (new recipe tried)

The morning sunrise keeps reminding me winter is coming. It's moving direction way too fast.

The jalapenos are coming to an end.  I made a 4th batch of cowboy candy and I'm selling it.  We will not eat that much, but so thankful for having it for all my canning recipes, to put up in the freezer and use for meals.  I put more in the freezer for winter chili, baking, and other recipes (I use them a lot in my homemade breakfast meals).

Sage made it's way into the dehydrator and I started a tincture for winter.

Fresh Salsa.  Yum.

I took a look at the turnips.  Not large, but not small.  I thinned them out a bit and will leave them in as long as I can to hopefully have a good harvest.

Last night's dinner.  Chicken Tetrazzini (with a twist) using Jovial pasta, and baked bell pepper oven fries with homemade dip (the best ever, and I'm not a fan of panko).  The bell peppers were from the garden.  Recipe for the bell pepper fries can be found online with Delish. You dip in flour, then egg/water, then in panko/garlic/paprika etc.

I'll say it again.  I do NOT like the new blogger.  I'm too tired to figure new things out, and today I could not "revert" to the old blogger.  I am guessing that's why I don't see many posts from anyone anymore.  Maybe I'll post in the afternoons vs. my normal morning hour?  I dunno.  I'm up at 4:37am today.  Couldn't sleep, but have to make some tomatoes disappear.


  1. I am not liking the new blogger either. It takes me forever to put a post together uploading photos has become quite the chore. I am not able to revert back either anymore, it is quite the task getting a post done.

  2. mamasmercantile, good then it's not just me. Ugh.

  3. The sunrise photos are gorgeous; I love this time of year, and I pray it lasts good and long.
    I don't care for Panko either. IMO it never crisps as well as the good old flour, egg, Italian bread crumb mixture. I'm gluten intolerant now, but there are good substitutes I can use to get almost the same results as the old recipe.
    I have to be honest. I don't notice a single difference in this blogger and your old one. I wonder if you're not getting many comments simply because people are getting down with this darn pandemic. I even had to call my GP for anti-depressants, and I haven't been on those since 2004, treating the Clinical Depression with herbs instead, but the herbs just stopped working.
    If you have their emails, give maybe drop them a line and check on them. One never knows when someone else needs a little help.
    The food looks just wonderful, especially the salsa. I like to use salsa on top of salads instead of salad dressing. So good and less calories, I believe.
    One year in my older nephew's (35 or so) Christmas present, I wrapped up a purple turnip and gave it to him along, I think with a jumbo bag of M&Ms. I wish I could have seen the look on his face when he opened it, but I had the flu that year and stayed home so they wouldn't get it.
    Prayers for a joyful safe weekend for you and yours. Lord only knows how badly we all need it.
    God bless you.

  4. I tried the new blogger before I moved my blog to our new website- did not like it at all! Is there anyone you can complain to?

  5. RB, the story about the turnip made me laugh. oh my.

  6. Debby, there at one time was a place to comment about the new blogger. I sent them my opinion. I guess they don't care.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.