Monday, September 28, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday


I had a very relaxing island getaway weekend with my husband.

We came back fully recharged mentally and physically.  I've got my to-do list written out and ready to take on the day.

The island has a huge wild flower area and you can't see from the photo, but it is loaded with mullein.  I could not believe how much was in this area.

Grab a cup of your favorite java.  Sorry, but this post is a bit of a long one.  Taking a few days off gives me some things to talk about today.

Before we left I got 3# of tomatoes in the freezer, and I'm drying all the skins for tomato powder.

We are still getting a few nice sized green bell peppers from the garden.  I haven't yanked the plants yet, and with rain coming, I'm leaving them in for now.  It's been a blessing to get so many this year.

I finally got the garlic harvest down from hanging and will be planting the larger ones today for my fall planting.  These will be planted in grow pots.

We won't run out of hot peppers this winter.  It'll be nice to have on hand for soups, chili, pizza toppings, all sorts of casseroles, breakfast and whatnot.

I also got locked in on our pre-pay propane rate before winter is here.  Glad I remembered to do it.

If you asked for the home canned ketchup recipe I updated my last post with the link, where it is on my blog.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .

The rain has now shifted from Tue/Wed to today.  So....with help of a daughter, and my husband, we picked all my black beans and we fall planted 52 cloves of garlic.  Although, I do need to plant more, but will need to buy it if I can find it so I have enough for next year's homemade garlic powder, minced garlic and so forth.  I use a lot of it with my canning recipes.  I also picked 3 more green bell peppers and one lonely cucumber.

Anyway, back to the weather, rain is 90% today, 78°F/48°F.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Well, ready to take on the day, but a certain cat thought I needed to start my day at 3:30am.  He's not even my cat.  Sigh.

On my mind . . .

My to-do list.  I already checked off two for today that we did yesterday, so that makes my mind rest a bit.  I'm not looking forward to the shift my husband is working, as that puts all the garden work on me alone this week (one day at a time).

On the breakfast plate . . .

Bacon, Egg and Potato Casserole, Coffee

On my reading pile . . .

Seed catalogs.

On my TV . . .

We signed up for beast TV, so now with a box we can get all sorts of channels.  Hubby watched his favorite football team play last night and he's a happy man.

On the menu . . .

-beef stew, homemade biscuits

-homemade biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs and fried potatoes

-roast, potatoes, onions and carrots

-possibly a cake or sweet item on the menu this week.

On the camera. . .

Picture of the moon I took last Friday night.  Strangest shape I have ever seen, but neat to see.

Looking around the house . . .

Well, the tomatoes are dwindling down, but at least the dishes were washed before I got home after our weekend away.  Romeo needs his toys restocked so one of these day I'll get that done.  He's acting up lately.

New recipe I tried last week or one I want to try . . .

Kahlua Krisipe Treats using homemade Kahlua.  I'll be test tasting these at dinner.

To relax this week I will . . .

Crochet. Maybe work on Christmas tree ornaments.

Something to share . . .

On my prayer list . . .

This country (FL and Idaho have lifted all restrictions, and FL said they would never shut down again and banned fines for people not wearing masks), my youngest daughter, our family, and any personal requests.


  1. Oh yum! Everything you showed and mentioned looks (sounds) delicious. Can I come eat at your house? :-) Also, so glad you got a break. You certainly deserve it.

  2. Thanks Lady Locust, we definitely had a very good time. It could be the last trip to the island this year, as their season is ending next month(but so happy we got to go).

  3. Thrilled you managed to get away, looks and sounds idyllic.

  4. Glad you were able to get away. Looks like a beautiful place and you sound refreshed. Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!

  5. Looks like a great place for a gateaway. Never heard of tomato powder. Your garden sure looks big. Kahlua you make yourself? you've given me lots of things to look up. The Elderberry tea looks good.
    Have a great week

  6. Luludou, yes I make my own Kahlua. I made it years ago and gifted it and it was a big hit. One family member now makes it too. The recipe is easy and online from Beanilla.


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