Saturday, August 15, 2020

1:30am Moom ~ Small Day Adventures ~ Barn Cat ~ Crochet/knit Socks of Another Kind

The things I do when I cannot sleep.  Take photos of the moon.  This was, I think, from last Thursday early in the morning.

I am being very bad at eating breakfast at all.  I have a light lunch and come dinner, I don't want to eat either.  The stress has been over the moon bad.  Just lots of things going on.

The chance for rain on Saturday (60%) went off the radar as fast as it went on.  However, we thankfully got a nice pour down last night.  

My 21 year-old and I went on a small day adventure and visited an antique store in the Big City.  

I've been wanting one of these for a long time.  First, I thought I might paint it red, but I may leave it yellow.  I kind of like it.

We also went to a thrift store, which I sort of thought was not stocked by much (oddly).  I snatched up this green pepper dish for $1.00 and it now holds my vegetable scrubber.

Picked up this wine bottle stand for a few bucks as well.

I picked up a few books as well, and a beat up metal strainer the antique guy gave me free.  I wanted it for a table center piece for the fall holidays.  I have battery operated lights (rechargeable batteries), and will top with some holiday colored something or other to pretty it up.

More tomatoes are turning red, but as you can see the drought has not helped with the size of most of them.

Looks like a raccoon right?  It's our barn cat.  I brought the pool out to clean for the grandkids, and it filled with rain water the last time it rained and it still has some oddly.  Anyway, she loves to go in the water and give herself a bath and get a drink, even though her water bowl is filled.  Silly cat.

My socks finally arrived in the mail.  I thought I deserved to buy myself something special.


  1. Hi Kristina :) That's a great pepper dish! Great find. And yes, silly kitty, ours hate the water! Love the socks!

  2. Rain, I thought it was funny that my veggie brush is green too, and it looks so dang cute.


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