Sunday, July 26, 2020

Random Tidbits

Morning sunrise this morning.  We are up early.  Can't sleep.  So emotionally exhausted and just trying to get through minute by minute.  Garden sprinkler is going strong, as it will reach the 90's today and again no rain.

I'm looking for a free pattern (crochet) for this.  I haven't had the ambition to search much online, but if you see one, please let me know.  I have a request for one.  I found a pattern on Etsy for $6, and haven't yet checked Ravelry.

Update on the drive thru we held for our daughter:  It was a fail.  Although 7 of the 87 people drove thru, the ones that did made a difference in her day.  She was so sad and depressed that not one of her classmates came.  About 3 hours later after the set time, 2 girls pulled in and they talked for almost a half hour.  These 2 were not even girls she hung out with, and we were so happy they came.  We were trying to help her have something for a graduation, but it didn't work out so well.

I need to pick green beans and try and make some sort of order in my kitchen today.  The dishes never did get done completely, and they are piling up even though I have not cooked or baked since last Friday.

There is yet another raccoon.  This time it killed one of the extra roosters I have.  Trap will be re-set.  Again.  There is no chance for getting help from Hubby's family to help build the new coop either.  Not even one of them showed up for the drive thru grad gift drop off.  One said she was coming and never showed up.  Well, I take that back.  One son of a nephew came for a brief time.  That was it.

I had been very good about doing "happy" baskets to make others happy prior to the death of the boys, and now I have zero ambition.  Zero.  If I didn't have the garden or the animals, I would probably not be out of bed, so I can't imagine what our daughter's pain is like.  It's gonna be a long road for her and their families.

I hope your Sunday finds you well.


  1. Perfect Curve Shawl with Pockets On Ravelry is close and "HOPE" Wrap Has a real nice stitch pattern also on Ravelry. Will keep my eye out.

  2. I would love to send your girl a graduation “happy.” Is that possible since you have no
    Idea who I am? I just feel such sadness for her.

  3. M.Meyers, she would love it. Send me an email (found on this blog).

  4. Hi Kristina, very sad times in your world. Sending you my best.

  5. Friendship Pocket Wrap on Ravelry is close and Lazy Diamond Boho Pocket Shawl is gorgeous if it's the pockets you're going after instead of the rectangular shawl.

  6. When you all get through the darkness you will bask in the light. And appreciate the light more because of the dark. 💕

  7. Kristina, read your post about your daughter’s boyfriend, and please pass on my condolences to her. Last Tuesday our family also lost one of our members- a 17 year old boy in a single car accident. Needless to say his family is devastated. But, they donated his organs and all 7 of the recipients were a success. They also are using his bone marrow for cancer treatments. Today, the community held a car drive, car rally, and cookout for al that loved him. Over 400 hundred cars and trucks showed up. Someone paid for the funeral, paid for all the food after the rally, and have just opened their hearts to this grieving family. Sorrow may be with all for a long time, but love is certainly there too. Take care. Robin Malloy

  8. My heart hurts for your daughter, it would be a horrid situation at any time but now must compound the sadness with so little contact from friends.

    This is a free pattern on Ravelry that you might like.

  9. Sending you a hug in the hope that it will help to know that you are in my prayers.

  10. I would like to send a gift for your daughter too for graduating, any suggestions as well what she would like? I tried to find your email address on your site so will just put this in comments. Mercy unto you and peace, and love, be multiplied. Jude 1:2 from Iowa

  11. Robin, so sorry to hear that as well, and so glad the community came together for the famliy.

  12. Thank you Melody, I will send you an email.

  13. U tube has a video on a shawl. Under( Ms.Stitch Marker) and one week ago. She shows how to make one.


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