Thursday, July 30, 2020

Random Tidbits ~ Camping Trip Plans

I don't have any photos for today's post.  We had a very busy day yesterday, and we had to go help one daughter (the one with our grandkids) with her van.  Unfortunately, it's their only vehicle and my husband told her it's the transmission.  So....we are trying to get them a vehicle.  And...and...our daughter that lives here and works STILL needs one too.  Ugh.  So many things going wrong all at once.   The same daughter with the van, also needs a new washing machine, and now their mower broke down.  I'm barely holding on. 

Update on the pandemic in our state and county:  We went down a notch on his scale he made, putting us out of the mask mandate, but then put one state-wide.  He actually said that more people were wearing them, but yet the numbers keep increasing in our county and he's expanding day care (but today he may start shutting down bars).  None of this makes sense.  We personally know people who got notices of testing "positive" yet never tested at all (one person 15 times).  The numbers also include probable, so we again are not getting true facts and it is disturbing as to what they are doing to destroy this country.

Our Governor also closed down our fair, which was next week - from what I read, only 4-H.  Now the local health dept. is chiming in to place orders on how that happens.  I'm sure they were already set up too, so all of those vendors, rides, games etc. have a worse financial burden.  I do know people already paid for their camping spots for the fair, and some plan to camp anyway.

Also, not sure if I shared this, but I know of one large area business that banned homemade cloth masks (saying they are not medical).  Now lawsuits will start on those making these masks.  So if they don't work, and the paper ones clearly state on the box they don't work for this virus, why the mask mandate.  Control?  Like I said, none of this makes any sense at all.  Other than to try and lock us all down, so they can force mail in voting (which would be bad).  By the way, we had a lady ahead of us at the grocery store talking to the clerk.  She looked back at us and literally told us who to vote for in November.  Next time it happens, I will NOT keep my mouth shut.  

I'm digging out my camping journal to see what our best camping sites were, and where.  We need a camping trip badly, as we won't be back to the island this year.  I feel bad for the island too.  Their season to make money is very short of over there.  Anyway, we shall see if we get a camping trip in soon.  Then again, if they start shutting more down, we'll all be in lock down before a camping trip happens.  All of us need some camping therapy, to go off grid, to get with nature, so please pray that happens.  Camping is true isolation at it's best.

I tried to make a visit with Mom yesterday too, as we did a "pay it forward" for someone in that town the same day.  I tell ya' it's hit or miss with a visit.  She is out and about most days, ha ha!  I don't blame her.  She was in lockdown a lot longer than the rest of us here.

We haven't caught anything in the live trap, and so far no more casualties.  I have one goal (okay two) today - pick beans and do the dishes.  


  1. It makes me wonder about Gov Dewine, who is pulling his strings. Now we have history behind this and the more they talk, the more I don't listen. The numbers are not accurate. My guess...after the election they will be on to the next whatever will control the news cycle.
    I've turned it all off. Some rain here in NE Ohio would be nice. Tired of the heat & humidity.Looking forward to fall. I've got a wrist issue, so my hook is resting as well as my hand. Not to happy about that. I hope it heals up.Take care....hope you catch those critters who hurt your beautiful yard birds.

  2. Thanks Faith, hope your wrist heals up. You may get more rain today, but not here. Hopefully we will get rain in a few days though.

  3. I believe peoples eyes are being opened over this whole virus stuff.

  4. Hi Kristina, I sure hope you can get your camping therapy. Just reading your post, I feel like you're reaching your limit so to speak. You need some time to be out in nature and heal.


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