Monday, July 20, 2020


I have a nothing new post today.  Strange.  I'm always so pumped to get something posted, but not today.  So much on my mind right now.

We got spit on yesterday.  The storm came through and it literally sprinkled for less than a minute.  I am so sad on top of everything else.  We are in drought conditions and now I am worried about the garden.

Hubby is out watering flowers.  When he's done I'll start on the garden.  My root veggies are not getting what they need.  I can't remember a year like this.  Ever.

We had visitors all day yesterday, and even had a meal delivered.  Our daughter is not okay.  Youngest.  We are doing our best to keep her around someone.  She is not allowed to drive herself anywhere right now either.  She is having the most horrible time right now.


  1. We did have some rain, just average and not very long, even though they were "predicting" possible flooding, hail and high winds. It was enough to water the garden as I would have with the hose. But the rain water is better. Your daughter the poor dear. I cannot imagine her grief, and you must be terrible concerned. I'll keep you in my prayers for peace. What a year huh? A death is a difficult time, but for such a young life there isn't any consolation you could muster up.It's hard to help her when you are having a difficult time of it yourself.

  2. Sorry to hear yall are having to go through this rough patch & your daughter being so young losing the love of her life. So sorry, I can't even imagine what yall must be going through.

  3. Kristina, I'm so sorry for your daughter...I have been there at age 17 when my bf died of a brain aneurysm. It's almost incomprehensible at that age. She needs you so much right now. I know you are so sad as well, what a horrible tragedy. All I can do is send virtual hugs and hopes. xxx


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