Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Green Beans ~ House is a Hot Mess and other Ramblings

This was supposed to be last Saturday's post....

Yesterday's pickings.  The beans are from the first planting, second planting are loaded with blossoms.  Praying for more rain.  I only picked one hot banana pepper.  There are more on the plants but need to plump up before I pick them.

What is your preferred way to can green beans?  Raw pack or hot pack?  I think I will can the next picking to save room in the freezer.

I watered and watered, and then went back to weed.  The garden is full of weeds, but plants look great so far.  We need a good soaking rain to get things flowing out there.

Speaking of a hot mess, my house is a hot mess.  That happens when garden work takes over. I'm not stressing over it, and I'm putting the girls to work when they can.  One daughter works a lot, so that leaves one.

What's your favorite way to use turnips?  How do you store them as well (I don't have a root cellar nor basement)?

I have some Kamut flakes I need to use up.  What's your favorite way to use them (other than granola)?

Well, it was a raccoon in the coop this time.  I caught it.  Lets hope that was the end of that.  So tired of re-wiring the coop.  Pray we get the time to build a new coop and soon.  All chickens are accounted for.  He must have been after the eggs.  Urgh. I sort of had a feeling it was a raccoon, based on how things were knocked all over in my barn the last few days.  Now to go hunt for some spare chicken wire.  There will be zero chicken wire on my new coop.  I have found two locations nearby that have free sheds or small shed like buildings.  Not sure what route we'll take yet.  We have some things to get done this weekend and next.  


  1. Poor Rocky Raccoon... we can't "destroy" them in our county/state, so transport far, far, far away. Still we have them, as well as opposums that we catch on Ring throughout the night. We haven't had much rain to speak of either, but with all the leave mulch he puts around his plants, our banana peppers are huge. Tomatoes are coming in nicely as well. Canning - I haven't canned in forever, so no help there. At our age, I try to keep him to a minimum in the garden and eat what we can, freeze the rest. Figs will be coming in one day, which I just top and through in the freezer for smoothies.

    So sorry to hear of the tragic accident with those two young men. Hope your daughter is doing well and handling this situation.

  2. Mother Em, don't worry, both opossum and raccoon were re-homed. We only shoot if they are sick. Daughter is not doing well. It's been a rough week so far.

    As far as re-homing the varmints, it was so much easier to release the raccoon. The opossum was hanging on in the trap for dear life lol.

  3. I have been harvesting squash and zucchini and tomatoes and corn. I made spaghetti sauce today.
    We are having to run sprinklers because we are starting to get into our drought months. We can always hear thunder and see blue clouds and it can be pouring down rain two miles down the road but we want get one drop at our house. Funny how it does that. We just can't sit around and wait on the rain. I just posted on my blog what all I've been doing this week


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