Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Chicken Coop Massacre

A raccoon (or two) got 2 more of my hens.  I had a total melt down in the barn.  Followed by that?  Thoughts in my head "I'm never doing this again!"  "I'm done with this homesteading life"  and on and on.

I put an SOS out on social media asking for friends and family to come help build a coop.  One person answered.  My best friend from high school, who was also kind enough to come to our daughter's grad gift drop off.

She sent photos and offered a price of $75.00 for her chicken coop.  Getting it here and off the trailer will be a job though.  We have a trailer and we also now have a person with a skid steer to load and unload.

It will take a few tweeks to ready it before moving them into their new home.  It needs windows or a fan.  It has no ventilation.  They have to unhook their electric to it.  They had a fan system, so we'll have to either put it near the barn or house to hook up electric, or invest in solar operated fans, but windows for sure (of course covered with wire and 2 x 4's to keep the critters out).

As for the coons, let just say we fed a few to the vultures.  There are more.  I saw a very large one out about 4pm, but couldn't get it before it ran into the pasture.  


  1. Once marauding critters like the raccoons find a source of food, they won't quit. Chicken wire doesn't work to keep them out. We don't have a coon problem, but do have pine martens. We line the whole bottom and up the sides of our chicken house (and other additional pens) with sturdy hardware cloth and they can't chew through that.

    You've been going through a really hard period for a while now. Sure hope things take a turn for the better for you soon. Sending homesteading hugs to you, Kristina.

  2. So sorry to read that you have lost 2 more hens but thrilled that you got an answer to your SOS call what a bargain for the new henhouse. I hope you manage to get all the little issues sorted.

  3. Sorry about the chickens. And that it will take a few weeks to get the new coop. Sadly raccoons are quite determined once they find a place with easy pickings and tasty tidbits. Thank you for not trapping and relocating the raccoons to make them someone else's problem. Besides, vultures need to eat too.

  4. Thanks Mama Pea, yeah, we can't wait to get the new coop here and everyone safe and sound. I think the drought has caused the raccoons to look for food as they have no vegetation right now.

  5. Thanks mamasmercantile, we can't wait to get the coop. I want to paint it too.

  6. JustGail, we hope we catch the last one, but even so, I plan to set the trap every night until we get the new coop.


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