Friday, June 19, 2020

Journal Junkie at it again and other tidbits

I added this journal to my bookshelf.  Now I can write down steps as I create new items without a pattern.  I have a few Christmas ornaments, and now another new item (nothing spectacular), but it will make it easy to write as I stitch too.

Snap peas are coming on and I picked a handful for snacking.  Soon after this next rain, I should be eating some for meals and freezing some for meals.  

Nothing new going on really.  I spent the entire day doing laundry, now that the washing machine has been fixed, but watered the heck out of the garden.  Weeding resumes today, along with lots of other things, including errands.  Hubby's work gave them today off (new day off for a "holiday" which most likely occurred due to today's crazy times).

I hope to get some photos of my younger hens soon.  There is one that is almost all gray and she is absolutely gorgeous.  I have yet to introduce them to the older hens (still quite young to do that).


  1. That's a very good idea. I always write mine down on scraps of paper and then have to make sense of them later.

  2. I have a sewing journal and a yarn journal which helps to keep a track of what I ake and any adjustments to patterns. It is wonderful to look back and see how much you have achieved. Looking forward to seeing photos of the chickens.

  3. Leigh, I just happened to see it while I was browsing somewhere and thought man I could really use that.


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