Monday, June 29, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

We had another weekend retreat at our favorite island.  It was the best weekend ever.  We went alone this time.  We met more islanders and laughed and laughed and laughed.  Tried a Storm Cloud shot for the first time.  Hubby didn't like it so much, but I did.  Sort of on the sweet side.

It was pretty busy on the island and the place we rent is now booked until mid August already.  Our friends that own it, have a machine that they set inside and put a timer on and it kills anything.  Sort of like what the UV machines do, but different.

We were home early, unpacked, laundry started, lawn mowed, garden checked, catnip went into the dehydrator and potted plants watered. Sage went into another dehydrator.  It was hotter here than at the island (beautiful weather and nice breeze at the island).

We have six acres, but not all is mowed.  Our old goat pasture looks like this now.  Hm.  Time to locate people to bring the goats in to eat it down?  When our buck was in this area, he ate it down regularly for us.

We did some flower bed weeding, and cleaned one of the air conditioner filters too.  It's probably a good thing we did work on Sunday.  By evening, I figured out my sciatica was back.  At first I thought it was just a pulled muscle.  Not a good time to happen.  I'm digging out my papers on stretching exercises and will start on that first.  I will have to have the girls do my garden work for a few days until I can get back to feeling better.  I didn't sleep good at all last night due to the pain.  It's a horrible pain.

Here are my biker gnomes.  They are going back out. I'm just not sure where yet.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
89°F/63°F.  No chance of rain.  Sunny.

How I am feeling this morning. . .
In serious pain.  Frustrated this happened, but I succumbed to this awful, off and on problem, due to falling on ice and landing on my back and hitting my head on cement over 13-14 years ago. It comes and goes when it feels like.

On my mind . . .
How am I going to get my work done today?  The timing is awful. Also, the health store where we buy our true organic/non-gmo meat from has closed permanently.  The produce stand where we buy our sweet corn announced yesterday they are also closing permanently.  What's not getting destroyed from idiot rioters, is closing due to lack of income (from being forced to close).

On the breakfast plate . . .
Sweet potato and black bean frittata with fresh cilantro from the herb garden.

On the reading pile . . .
Nothing this week.  I took the week off.

On the TV . . .
Whatever we find interesting on Amazon Prime.

On the menu this week . . .
Well, first I have to make out a grocery list, after checking the pantry and fridge.  
-Stuffed Shells, veggie
-Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn
-Chicken/veggie kabobs on the grill

From the camera . . .

I picked shell peas this morning.  They are doing great.  I missed these last year.  Lots more on the vines, and that makes this gal happy.

Looking around the house . . . 
It was cleaned up yesterday by one daughter so she could have a backyard cookout with some friends last night.  I will need to get the herbs out of the dehydrators and refill one with mullein leaves and flowers.  My wild mullein is 6 feet tall right now.

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . .
Everything and anything I can manage to get done, like watering everything.  I will resort to my sprinkler for the vegetable garden, but I hate to run the water pump that long.

To relax I will . . .
Stay off any news on the TV, stay off any social media (getting so sick of it), crochet and maybe watch cooking shows to stay off my feet.  Although movement helps.  I will do my stretches however.  It's the only thing that helps get rid of the pain.

On my prayer list . . .
Well, for starters for this pain of mine to go away.  Our country, our President,  and law enforcement. 


  1. First the gnomes... omg too cute!!! The news and social media is so out of makes my head spin! That pea pic is cute!!! Happy Monday!

  2. Prayers you find some pain relief and that it disappears soon. Love the biker gnomes, so fun! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I think there's a fair majority of us sick of social media and the constant barrage of negative news cycles. Hope you can relax and have a wonderful week!

  3. Oh my! Glad you were able to get away, but sorry you are in pain. Prayers for speedy healing~

  4. Hope you feel better soon you will be in my prayers. Glad you managed to get away and have a good time.


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