Wednesday, June 17, 2020


The radishes are starting to develop.  Super excited to harvest even a little bit yesterday.  My first day back to reality was exhausting (with a capital "E").  Oh my.  I am weeding the beets and it's not fun.  I really hope we can build a few raised beds for parsnips and beets (and maybe carrots) next year.  It's such a pain in the butt to maintain.

Sitting on the porch early evening, I watched a man walk from one end of the crop field across the road, to the other.  Not sure what he was doing, but when he reached the other side, he bent over to do something in one area.  He then walked all the way back.  Looking for arrow heads, planting marijuana seeds or picking something.  It was strange for sure.

I brought in 10 eggs yesterday morning.  So excited to see that too.  Don't mind my Christmas towel.  I'm still waiting on the washing machine part.  Hopefully the part comes in today and Hubby won't be too tired to install it tonight.

My goal today is to get my spearmint planted, and possible summer savory.  I have yet to do that, as I spent the greater part of the day out in the garden.

Our fair is a go this year, but with many things closed, no rides, no milkshake stand, no homemade foods at all....basically 4-H animals.  Same price to enter, but I'm sure most people won't bother to go.  We won't be.   Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is a go this Sept.  We won't have time to go due to vacation days, but if Ohio Bike week happens in Sept, we do plan to go.

The "Big City" is making changes.  Meijer removed the X's on the floors and Wal-mart removed some barriers.

The "Big City" is planning a "bash" again this coming Sept.  It will be set up in a mall parking lot, so people can do drive thru if they prefer.  Not sure if they will allow homemade foods, but I'm considering doing it for some handiwork sales.  September will be busy, so I'm just not committed yet, but it's free to vendors.  

I'm getting frustrated with the car situation.  I can't get a vehicle to go buy stamps (only open 2 hours of the day) and can't get one to get groceries, pick up strawberries, visit Mom....I'm pushing Hubby to help one daughter get a car first, then mine replaced.  His hours are later this week again and it really messes up our free time to get stuff done.

Well, I better get this posted and get out to the garden.  I have a ton of things that need done inside too.  


  1. It is such a joy to harvest food that you have grown yourself isn't it. You can really taste the difference of homegrown food and of course fresh laid eggs.

  2. mamasmercantile, you are so right. The taste is so much better. And the nutrition.


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