Wednesday, May 27, 2020

This and That and a baby duck

I hope you all had a nice Memorial Day weekend.  We spent most of it in the garden and on the Harley.  We now have to do a repair on the tiller and the mower to resume work sadly.  

We have decided we will do our motorcycle rides before or after our meals at home.   No more eating out unless we can order ahead of time.  It is taking us 2-3 hours to get food inside restaurants and then good luck getting them to give you your bill timely.  It's not worth it to help a business, unless like I said, we can order ahead.  The wait time is awful.  One day we put over 300 miles on the bike.  I am now sun burned, but will be outside again today.

The plants are hardened and ready to plant though.  I just need my awesome husband to repair the tiller and get more tilled.

We are getting more asparagus from the garden. Yum.

The green beans, carrots and beets are coming up now.

Our daughter who works, was outside on her break and somehow a baby duck showed up.  It had no family anywhere, so she caught it, boxed it up and brought it home.  Thankfully, the animal sanctuary took the duck. 


  1. That asparagus looks tasty. We used to have a motorcycle & enjoyed lots of good rides. Now we have a side by side & ride in the hills & picnic. Plants are popping up in our garden but had a freeze the other night & got some of the pepper & tomato plants, if not all of them.

  2. Wow, the asparagus looks amazing, delicious.

  3. Wildflower Adventures, sorry to hear about your freeze. Hopefully some plants are still okay

  4. Next year I can harvest a few asparagus spears. Two years if letting it go to seed has paid off with a dozens of new plants coming up each year. I'm so looking forward to eating some. I'm so tired of paying store prices.

  5. Cockeyed Jo, I had plans to buy more plants this year and expand my asparagus, but there are none to be had. I will look for seeds though. And of course re-seed what I have gone to seed too.

  6. I once went to a graduation party and came home with a duckling. LOL Luckily when I put it in the cab of the truck, it sat right beside me on the drive home, like a little lady. Being that we had space for her, we kept her of course. Bro Tom even dug a small pond for her in the fenced backyard, and if I'd get up in the middle of the night for anything, the silly thing would be splashing and quacking and playing in the pond in the middle of the night.
    Life went on, usually with her following me around the yard as I weeded and such, and she grew into a beautiful crested duck. Then one day we went to work, and sadly, when we came home, a hawk had gotten her. Bro Tom chased the hawk away and buried her. I was very sad about that because she had another fully enclosed pen that had sides a top and a bottom that would have kept her safe during the day, but we left her in the backyard so she could have fun in the little pond. We thought more carefully about our other animals after that, cause truly, I never thought even a hawk could kill a full grown duck, and then I knew better.
    We even watch our cats more carefully now, cause if a hawk can try to carry off a full grown duck, then how safe would a cat or chicken or puppy be? I'm glad your daughter saved that little duck. God bless her abundantly for doing it.
    Prayers everyone has a great next few days. Looks like everything from Texas west is going to be wet and stormy. Prayers everyone will be safe.
    God bless.

  7. RB, sorry to hear about the hawk getting the duck. Yes, rain is on the way here today.


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