Wednesday, May 6, 2020

. . . from the Gratitude Journal

Thankful the farmer's markets are opening.

Thankful the vet is opening.

Thankful I get my husband for 2 weeks at home.  So far we've mowed, moved brush, cleaned up the house, knocked down more wasp nests, and today we plan to work a bit in the garden.

Thankful for good music that boosts my attitude and personal well being.

Thankful for motorcycle rides.

Thankful for the amount of sunshine we are getting lately.

Upbeat news!  Our Senior High School Daughter, who has been so very depressed lately, reached out to fellow seniors and friends on social media.  She asked if anyone needed to hear positivity, to let her know.  She is mailing out her first 6 letters today and has many more requests already.  If you feel like donating to her cause, please email me.  She could use upbeat stickers to decorate the envelopes, stamps and envelopes.  I'm not sure how she is on writing paper, but I still have loose leaf in the school supply box.  If anything she can use the spiral notebook paper and cut off the side after tearing it out.  

These letters are not done on the computer.  She is hand writing them.  The first 6 letters are going out with some having floral stickers, and some with motivational sayings.  She has very much enjoyed writing the letters and it's keeping her mind off everything she lost this year.

She was so happy to have an old English teacher stop by and deliver her a basket of goodness, topped with a few helium balloons.

I am so thankful for those helping her get through this year.  My good high school friend is the one who suggested she find a way to help someone, and it's working.


  1. The letter writing by your daughter is impressive! So few young people would or could do that!

  2. Letter writing is an art form. A long,oft forgotten one. WTG daughter! The farmers market is closed for the year, it's income source will be missed.

  3. Cockeyed Jo, thanks, I will tell her. Our farmer's market in one city is open due to the need for food in our area. Thankful for that.


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