Friday, April 10, 2020

What Day is It?

I have to ask myself what day it is almost every day anymore.

My mind was in a hundred places yesterday, so no photos to share.  First, it was the day that we lost our older nephew 2 years ago, and a very hard day emotionally for my husband.

He mowed until the blade on the mower broke.  I basically did minor house chores and froze more spinach.

It was cooler and very windy, so no other outside work done.

I have a sister who said, according to the Bible that the virus will end Easter Sunday.  There is a lot of talk on this.  I know one person who would have answers to this claim, and that is Dad.  I cannot even call Dad. He has bad hearing and will not answer his phone.  Oh, my oldest sister is taking care of Dad right now, during this virus stuff going on.

I call my mother daily to check on her.  I often talk to my siblings via call or email.  One sister in MI has been sick, but her doctor said it was pneumonia.  

We are doing okay here.  We are just anxious for this to be over and are uncertain of our future, so the garden is focused on right now.  We are tackling our to-do list, but it depends on the weather as to which one we do.  We have not picked up fencing materials for the dog fence, nor the new chicken coop (although those stores are open we choose to not go out).

I received free organic lettuce seeds, and one daughter brought me a bag of organic soil.  I plan to plant some today (although late) and see if I can add that to the garden next month.


  1. Right now, I should think that free organic lettuce seeds and a bag of organic soil is like manna from heaven! My daughter and I need to get various seeds started this afternoon and that will speak for the last wee bag of seed compost. After that it will have to be my neighbour's muckheap soil for beans and things which are identifiable from weeds when they germinate!

    Sorry to hear of the anniversary of your nephew's death. That must still be a hard blow to weather.

    You must be glad your sister is looking after your dad, and your mum has you looking after her interests. Keep safe.

  2. Forgetting what day it is, is a common occurrence around here. We just keep on keeping on. There's household chores, animal chores, and now gardening chores that are done daily. It's hard to keep track. If it wasn't for my phone reminding me of appointments, I'd forget them.

    I know your difficulties with your dad. My husband grew gradually deaf over the years. Before he died, he would say, "I can't hear you. You turned away."

  3. According to The Bible, only God knows the timing of things (Deu 29:29, not man. Until then, we're to wait and be patient, and use the common sense He gave us to deal with things.
    Prayers you all have a GREAT Easter - if doing nothing else, enjoying the family you're allowed to be with and the nature that surrounds you.
    Perhaps this is the time God wants us all to stop, be still, and listen for His voice in things instead of rushing around all the time. Never know.
    God bless.


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