Saturday, April 4, 2020

This and That

One thing I cannot get is a can of Lysol.  I'm getting worried.  I do have ingredients to make homemade "Lysol" wipes, and I have anti-ill oil spray (but limited).  I do have a diffuser and various essential oils to use to "disinfect" the air (thyme, scotch pine, lavender, etc).  I also have bleach, but if this continues for a long time, more people won't be able to disinfect and I have two that live here and work.  You cannot even buy it from the company direct.  

Our daughter who moved in works where disinfectants are sold etc.  She told me the last delivery was cut in half and no disinfectants on the truck at all.

Local areas are now starting to ban fishing.  For some, this is a food source necessary due to no income.

I ordered our masks, although there is a lot of talk about them (good and bad).  We, in our state are asked to have one when we go to the grocery, or other essential needs trip.  I had to order a black or white one for one daughter as it can't have a print (with all going on, I think that is dumb, because they are hard to come by).

Sheet pan dinner with organic chicken sausage.  We are mostly eating meat and vegetables and greens.  A vast majority of people shopping are going for frozen meals, so it's been nice to be able to get ingredients we need. Pasta and breads are a treat once in a while.

More of what we cannot find:

Any form of flour - still trying smaller stores
Toilet paper - daughter is watching for some at her work
Any form of pasta - planning on making homemade noodles
organic canned soups - condensed.  I am making them from scratch

Virus updates:

1.  Our state order to stay in has extended until May 1st.  The state park at the island is closed until May 15th.

2.  Stores are ordered to limit the number of people inside and that starts April 6th at midnight, but our nearest Wal-mart already changed that and barricades are up.  They made pharmacy doors emergency exit only, and grocery entrance in and out only.

3.  One person (parent of a family friend) is on a ventilator and is a confirmed case of the virus.  Also, the man's wife is also on a ventilator and we have not yet heard if she is a confirmed case or not.

4. Mom was out of food.  My brother is so busy at work he literally has to take a day off to get groceries and that won't be until April 8th.  I had our daughter drop off a crate of food that we have instructed her to keep in her garage for 72 hours other than perishables.  She is so thankful for this.  It broke my heart to listen to her tell me that her neighbor across the street literally went shopping 3 times in one day, and as she sat on her porch watching, her neighbor unloaded a trunk full each time (never checking in my Mom).  Another friend told me he went into the store at the prompt time the elderly hour ended.  He watched all the elderly walk out with each buying 3 packages of toilet paper.  He went straight to the TP.  Not one package let.  They need to limit it to one package or no one is going to get any.


  1. Sharing a mask pattern that may help. It has been developed with help from medical staff.

  2. I know what you mean about people not being compassionate for others. Seems as though these times bring out the worst and best in some folks. It is tough that you are subject to the virus with the girls going to work. We have resorted to using full strength alcohol in a spray bottle to sterilize. We found alcohol at the dollar store, believe it or not. We were thankful for that, and it was three weeks ago however. We are also thankful that out here on the ridge we don’t see anyone except the mail man, and ups trucks. Please stay safe and we are praying for an end to this virus .

  3. I'm glad you got some food to your mother. She is lucky to have you near. We have flour in our stores, but no yeast.I agree they should limit the toilet tissue purchases. Stay well. I enjoy your blog but rarely comment.

  4. wyomingheart, this is truly showing people's true self for sure.

  5. hart, it's crazy right now for sure. I couldn't even order organic refried beans online today. Out of stock. I have dry beans that I will soak and use with some garlic etc.

  6. It's a similar situation here in the UK too. We live in Wales, and have a devolved more local Government, so England's rules get to us slower. We are on Lock Down, but as we live very rurally are lucky that we can get out for walks, and have 5 1/2 acres of our own to wander round should we wish.

    We are well stocked but things like milk soon runs out. Fortunately our eldest daughter is living with us, so can go out if necessary, but she just goes to our local shop which is run by volunteers. They get what you need whilst you stand outside the door and then bring the card machine out (cashcan carry the virus).

    Strange times - as someone said, this sort of situation brings out the best and the worst in people, but then scum always floats to the top doesn't it?

    I'm glad your mom lives close enough for you to help out. I don't think much to her selfish neighbour though. Here, the same things are hard to get hold of - or in the case of hand sanitiser gel, Dettol spray etc - impossible. Loo rolls OK if you go early (the supermarkets don't seem to keep a store of anything these days, hence soon selling out). Yeast, flour (any), veggie seeds for the garden, poytunnels/greenhouses - all VERY hard to get hold of of the type or size you require. Getting a supermarket delivery or click and collect (you pick up from them) place has a 3 week waiting list. Our spot for our click and collect is 17th April.

    But we are lucky - our other two children are furloughed and waiting things out in their homes. We managed to get a polytunnel and seeds to add to the ones we had from last year. We have felled trees for next winter's firewood and we have good friends.

    Stay safe.

  7. Bovey Belle, here farmer's are dumping milk down the drain, as there is no demand for it and no one is buying it or stocking up on it in their freezers.

  8. Kristina, we've been on lock down in our county for three weeks now. We are finding meats and dairy especially butter a hard commodity to find. As far as lysol wipes, I want that recipe. I miss the brown bottle Lysol I used to get. I haven't seen it in stores for almost 2 decades. The spray is a substitute. To find the spray, you need to be at the store when it's delivered and stocked on the shelves. I saw an empty case in Walmart where some shopper had ripped the case open to get the limited two.


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