Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Spring Nettle ~ Snow

Spring nettle is coming up, but snow is coming today and possibly Friday.  I'm going out to harvest what I can for now.  I'm going to dehydrate it for now, as it's not much, but better than anything at this point.

I got another email from the school.  Graduation is still set for late may, with a back up date late June.

I plan to make another jar of Four Thieves Vinegar today.  Other than that, due to the weather, we'll be working in the garage.  I doubt thrift stores will be open any day, so I'm not sure what we'll do with items we want to get rid of yet.


  1. I was just out looking at the nettles this morning - I have them everywhere, so am going to get enough for soup and drying. I know what you mean about thrift stores - I had put off taking my haul to the Hospice thrift and now I'm stuck with it until....? I am hoping we don't get snow - we're still dealing with the aftermath of two inches of rain on Monday.

  2. We had a snow shower yesterday here on the ridge. What kind of snow did y’all get? We have been busy with indoor projects, and like you...what to do with donation items. Let me know what you decide to do... I just might borrow your idea! Have a terrific day!

  3. We had a snow shower yesterday here on the ridge. What kind of snow did y’all get? We have been busy with indoor projects, and like you...what to do with donation items. Let me know what you decide to do... I just might borrow your idea! Have a terrific day!

  4. I pulled up several weeds? yesterday that looked exactly like what's in your picture. I need to Google and see what it's good for...unless maybe you have posted about it before. I'll look back. I have a Goodwill box in the back of the car. Been hauling it around. Hopefully, things will open up soon. (I just read your last post and left a comment).

  5. Spring is here in Boise, but we had cold this week, 25. Brrrr. I need to try homemade ginger ale, sounds good! All our schools are closed for the rest of the school year. I've got donations too, just will have to store til thrift store re-open. I hope you're family is safe and healthy!

  6. The temperatures have dropped here too but thankfully no snow.

  7. Susan, I bet they will make so many limits on what we can donate too. Not looking forward to that. I would hate to just throw it away.

  8. Wyomingheart I am going to check when they have a Humane Society garage sale, and then call Easter Seals when this thing is lifting. We are just getting light snow with a mix of rain.

  9. Henny Penny, it's a plant that will sting you without using gloves but we eat it and make tea with it.

  10. Thanks Nancy we love the homemade ginger ale. So good.

  11. mamasmercantile, we did not expect snow. Not in April here anyway. So tired of cold weather lingering.

  12. I'm pulling up Nettles here as I am clearing a "wilderness" area which used to be a soft fruit plot before I moved it to the paddock. Now some old bushes have shown up and so I will have 2 soft fruit areas. Don't want the nettles in the middle when picking though!

    Do you make Nettle Tea with your dried Nettle leaves?

  13. Bovey Belle, yes I make a tea with dried nettle, and use it for baking. I sometimes blanch fresh nettle and freeze for other meals.


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