Saturday, April 18, 2020

Snow ~ Score!

The weather will be much better today.  Yesterday it snowed.  And snowed.  And snowed.  

Woke up to find this at the computer.  Our daughter scored us a can of Lysol.  Love the mug she gifted me too.  So happy to see this.

This morning I realized there is no such thing as simply getting up and making a cup of coffee.  First, the chicks needed fed and watered, the mouthy and loud Tiger wanted fed, the barn cat was pawing at the door to be fed....then there is Romeo....sigh...I got my cup of coffee finally.

My husband and I went to the "Big City" and did a supply run for us and for her.  We picked up her favorite wine too.  The greenhouse did not have sweet potato slips in yet, so that was one stop we didn't need to do.  Mom was smiling this delivery, so she is doing better now.

Other news:
Our statewide shut-in order will lift after May 1st.  They are setting us free.  Sort of.  There will be three phases of opening places.  Each "phase" is minimum 14 days, and if all goes well, school open back up in phase 2 (so that passes their prom date).  The Ohio Bike Week was postponed.  


  1. As of last Thursday, here in UK (we're in Wales) we have a further 3 weeks of Lockdown, then another review, and it may carry on if the rate of infection/death hasn't plateaued significantly. Then gradual reintroduction of workforces, children back to school etc.

    We had our first Click and Collect delivery yesterday. We had to wait 3 weeks for it but have managed by ordering some meat from our butcher (kerbside collection) and phoned in greengrocery order to collect too. Our eldest daughter lives with us so has to go out and do the pick ups.

    Meanwhile, much gardening being done here, and we now know how much chocolate is needed to see us through between Click and Collect shops!!

    When does it stop snowing with you and Spring arrives? We rarely get snow. 2010 was the last year when we had an appreciable amount.

  2. Bovey, it's not common to get snow in April, but it has happened before. It really does need to go.

  3. Your house sounds like mine. Nothing needs here but the animals first thing in the morning. And then the peers get their walk with me because they need mom time anybody who lives in a barn with crazy goats all day deserves it. And of course the house dogs get a little trot and time in the yard the bucks get fed and there you go now it’s coffee time. Enjoy your day it sounds like a good one.

  4. our shut down was extended until the end of May (Wisconsin)

  5. We are in an Island off Scotland so much the same as Bovey apart from my hubby is on the high risk register due to the medication he takes which has suppressed his autoimmune system. Therefore lockdown is for 12 weeks which is another 8 weeks for us. We are very lucky that we get regular food deliveries. We had a sprinkling of snow a couple of weeks ago thankfully it didn't last. Stay safe.

  6. How beautiful that snow is before anyone walks through it. I remember being a grown woman, sitting at my Dad's kitchen table having a cup of coffee, and him saying how beautiful the house was when it snowed. I said we'd lived there for decades. Hadn't he noticed it before. He said no, by the time he got home, it was full of footprints and sled marks and such from us playing in it. Funny I didn't notice that, but glad he did because I believe it blessed him big.
    I remember weeks and weeks being snowbound, unable to go to school or to the store or to get propane or coal delivery. I remember at least once, perhaps twice, the National Guard dropped a pallet of food for us in our back pasture by helicopter that my sister and I were trying to bring in, but the neighbor man showed up on his horse and pulled it to the back door to us. It was surplus food. The kind military eat. But we were glad to get it. And I remember one time we had run out of coal altogether, and Mom put Army blankets over the doors to the kitchen and lit the propane oven, praying we wouldn't run out of propane too.
    Then Dad showed up with a tow truck pulling the coal truck and the propane truck from a church about a mile away. What a relief that was because it was getting scary. Then he started a fire in the coal furnace, and had to hop back in the truck with the tow truck driver to get back into town so he could go to work each day.
    But then I also remember the magic of snow, beautiful snow, falling at least one time on Christmas Eve, and several children who no longer worried how Santa was going to get to our house with presents. Memories. Just memories.
    Let's take our minds off the virus, as much as we can, and remember the good times, for that's what will carry us through this most of all.
    God bless.

  7. It must be very frustrating. Which state are you in?

  8. Better you than me. LOL I've got transplants and seeds in the ground.

  9. Cockeyed Jo, it's too early to plant other than peas and the like. We generally wait to plant after Mother's Day here.


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