Monday, April 13, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Quarantine day 29.

Last Saturday I started cleaning out the herb garden, and took a nice motorcycle ride to get dinner with friends (with 6 foot distance).  It's the only way to get a ride in right now with everything else closed.

I'm seeing re-seeded parsley plants popping up already. My green onion is looking much better this year than last year as well.  No asparagus out in the vegetable garden yet.  My chives are looking great too.

Checked off the to-do list - knock down wasp nests.  This one was about 8 inches across.  Hubby also cleaned 80% of the gutters as well.

My garden helper.  She loves (loves) to be outside, especially in the sun.  She is one dog that behaves without a fence.

Sunday the weather was not that good.  It rained, was cooler and rained again.  I worked in the herb garden and the flower beds in between the rain (light rain).  I made a batch of homemade dry Italian dressing mix.  My indoor basil plant is doing so well, I harvested some and got 3 trays of it dehydrated in my smaller dehydrator (I store the dried leaves whole).

The kids are helping out.  One helped me in the herb garden, the other did dishes and swept the kitchen.  So thankful for all their help.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .
Cold, and severe wind warnings.

How I am feeling this morning . . . 
Rested physically - slept in until 8am.

On my mind . . .
A lot.  So many reports with misleading numbers, how will we all function if this continues.....just emotionally stressed now with the death of another person we know.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Cheddar and Chili Egg Casserole (Rachel Ray)

On my reading pile . . .

On the TV . . .
Mostly the Governor briefing at 2pm.  In the evening it's whatever we find interesting.

On the menu this week . . .
-biscuits/sausage gravy, fried potatoes, eggs (no apples this time)
-tuna and noodle, mashed potatoes, corn
-chili, cornbread
-not sure about the rest yet.

From the camera . . .

Looking around the house . . .
Not much we can do on the list inside, besides work on the pellet stove.  Can't paint - too cold to open windows, can't shampoo carpets either, can't do anything outside today, maybe Hubby can purge his t-shirts.  Can't purge the garage - everything is closed including the dump.  If we can do a pick up order for the fencing or even the new bathroom shower and toilet, we may do that this week (one or the other).

Looking forward to . . .
Planting the garden.

To relax this week I will . . .
Watch movies and crochet.

On  my prayer list . . .
Our family friend's parents have both passed, so she and her family are in our prayers first thing this morning.  My Mom, our family, extended family, this country, our President and so many others.

Bible Verse . . .

Philippians 4:6 New International Version (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


  1. We are looking forward to planting the garden too. A beautiful verse from the bible. Take care and stay safe.

  2. I'm so sorry for your losses. That wasp nest looks a bit scary! Hope the weather improves for you and you have a great week.

  3. Jean, we noticed a plethora of wasps last year. Then I saw the nest and we waited to safely take it down when it was cold outside. So glad it's down.

  4. I am trying so hard to meditate on that verse. It has become more difficult as time goes by. For the first time in years we are planning a garden. We have had them in the past but ended up a feeding ground for the deer in our area. Hope you have a blessed week.

  5. Sorry for your losses. I need to clean windows in front of the house because there is a wasp nest there... before they start coming out!
    Have a great week

  6. Ive turned off the news since so much is wrongly reported or an outright blame attack on President or other officials. I have to say it is way less stressful without the constant bombard. My oldest R keeps me informed of any new restrictions in my state since she works in state office. She won't tell me the fluff and bull just the facts.
    This too shall pass....

  7. Yes, Luludou, do it before it gets warmer out.

  8. Lisa B, I was watching the President last night, and after listening to the reporters bash him over and over I had to turn it off. Gave me a headache. I try to watch our Governor, but now they are insinuating that we will be forced to wear masks for 18 months. I'm concerned about immunity and wearing a mask too. Too much uncertainty and way too much fake or inflated news.

  9. I cannot wait to plant our garden as well. We built raised beds this year.

  10. Wasps are the bane of my existence, I'm constantly having to knock down nests and they're just constantly rebuilding. It's quite irritating lol

    There is a lot of uncertainty. I only watch the President briefing every afternoon, but even those are getting difficult to sit through without wanting to reach through the TV and smack some of those disrespectful media.

    Hope you have a blessed week.


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