Friday, March 27, 2020

Updates ~ New Recipe Tried/Honey Roasted Chickpeas ~ Freezing Ginger Root

Bigger stores have now put limits on things like toilet paper (which you can't even order on clicklist nor get unless you go early and into a store).  Dairy items are limited to 3, meat to 3 eggs to 3, which is smart considering the hoarding still going on, but I wish they'd limit flour etc.  

School continues to email updates and has postponed prom and graduation (not canceled like many have).

Mom and Dad are still isolated in their homes.  I have a brother and daughter making sure they have what they need, but my younger brother is a first responder in the police force.  That daughter also works in the public.

I finally got an email from one of my other daughters.  She has lost her job, no pay while off, and has not gotten another job.  I am trying my best to help via email with updated places hiring (her apt. complex is still charging rent during this pandemic). I have not heard from my oldest daughter yet.  I know our Governor has put a stop to evictions due to lack of funds to pay rent, but food would be another issue for them.  If you had adult kids, and they could not feed themselves or their dogs, would you let them move back in during a "shut down" right now?

I tried a new recipe to keep things as upbeat as I can here on the homestead.  It didn't require flour.  I saw it on the Doctors show the other day (running re-runs) and looked it up online.  It's called Honey Roasted Chick-peas.  

My crochet challenge from a friend.  The video to make it was in spanish, ha ha!  I found a somewhat written pattern that was in photos (not printable friendly really), and got her one made.  They are "feathers" that work for decor or a bookmark or applique. 

Immune boost tea.  I also looked this up online, minus one ingredient I did not have.  I had mullein, fennel and ginger.  Did you know you can freeze ginger root?  Wash it, dry it, wrap it in plastic wrap, and place in sealed container or freeze bag.  Take out and grate as needed.  Works great and ginger is on hand at all times.

I got some porch time yesterday.  It was in the low 60's and we got some sun, but mostly cloudy.  Oddly, traffic was still very busy (for everyone stuck at home).


  1. Funny coincidence, yesterday a youtube video came up as a suggestion for reversible crochet feathers! I saved it because although I rarely crochet these days it was a cute pattern.
    Looks like a great wau to use small scraps.

  2. Thank you for the tip about freezing the fresh ginger root, as it's something we use regularly.

    Love the crochet feather bookmark. I am busy with various craft UFOs too.

    I think if your children are out of home/money, they need perhaps to come home to mom. For the first couple of weeks you would have to quarantine them though to make sure they hadn't brought the virus with them. It's what I'd do anyway.

  3. Just catching up whilst I have internet connection and glad you are safe and well. Yes I would let my family move back in in these strange times ensuring safety precautions due to our health issues.

  4. "If you had adult kids, and they could not feed themselves or their dogs, would you let them move back in..."

    YES! Who wouldn't??

  5. Sue O, thanks for the link. Yes, great way to use up scraps.

  6. Thanks Bovey, yes they'd be quarantined for sure.

  7. Thanks for stopping in mamasmercantile, glad your internet is up and running again.

  8. Sandi, I feel the same way. It breaks my heart that this has put so many young people out of work and no income. One daughter has filed for unemployment and is seeking work, the other not sure about yet.

  9. Thanks for the ginger tip... we use it a lot for switchel, and it will be great to never run out now!
    How are you doing today?

  10. The hoarding is so frustrating to deal with. If everyone would just continue to shop normally, we wouldn't be having these issues. I am struggling to find toilet paper or anything like paper towels or napkins. We found 4 rolls the other day and paid 8 dollars, ridiculous.

  11. wyomingheart, you are welcome, and thanks for asking about me. I am doing better today mentally than yesterday. I have a lot of dishes to wash, laundry to do, and I'm trying a few new recipes. I plan on doing a workout on the treadmill as well, but Romeo hates it and barks at me, ha ha!

  12. Sandra, it is the same here. No toilet paper, paper towels, or even rubbing alcohol. Flour has been hoarded too.


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