Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Spring? Tree Down and other Updates

Signs of spring?  Daffodils coming up.

Came home from our trip to Columbus (for our daughter's cosmetology exam) to find the county cut down our front largest tree.  It was hollow in some branches, but now we have more wood.

Our younger daughter was home the (we must have been out shopping), when the men showed back up to cut another tree down.  They knocked on the door and asked her if we wanted to wood.  She replied, "yes, just put it by the barn."  We both got a chuckle that she thought they'd move it, but they did! 

Guess what is growing, and not in a garden pot?  I am tickled pink and will let it grow there.  It's on the side of my house where a few roses had been planted but died.  I may make it my "weed" patch.


My younger brother put Mom in quarantine.  She is 82.  He said (he works in the police force) there are not enough ventilators and those 80 or over will be left to die if they get the virus.  This means she cannot babysit her grand kids, we cannot visit her, and she cannot go out of her home to prevent contracting the virus.  She is very upset, but I'm glad my younger brother did this.  She cannot risk her life.

My 20 year old called us in panic that she "feels" that stores will be forced to close next and to get to her store and get what else we need.  She is stocked up just in case, but wanted to make sure we were well supplied.

I have no status update yet on my car.  That saga continues.

We just canceled our trip to Amish country (next month) with our younger daughter.  Due to the ban on gatherings of more than 100 (which went from 100 to 50 and now to 10), and now restaurants closed, it would be a fail trip other than taking a chance the health store there was still open. 

If they enforce a 14 day quarantine we won't be bored.  We have no houses near us.  I could still take the dog out and walk around the property, cut wood, clean house, heck I can clean the garage now that the weather is a bit better.


  1. The nice thing about living in the country is that we will still be able to mill around outside in case of a ban. I am sure it is going to affect the lifestyle that many are accustomed to and may certainly send our economy into a tailspin. UGH!!

  2. Carol, you are right. I'm sending emails to my kids that live in apts. One is a trainer and gyms are now closed, but she has another job where she lives too.

  3. Our county is in lockdown mode after 2 reported cases. All businesses are closed for 2 weeks. I'm glad we're homesteaders!

  4. Cockeyed Jo, I am so greatful to be a homesteader. I wish I raised ducks and meat chickens last year though. I am sure we'll be tweaking our routine and what we stock up this year too.

  5. That's funny about your daughter telling the county men where to put the wood. How nice they did it though. Isn't it.
    Sorry to hear about your mother, but it's the safest place for her. If she's on the first floor, you can all still visit her. Just go up to the outside of her window, to talk through the window, or if that's impossible, I bet she'd be blessed just to see you all occasionally - to show her pretty greeting cards through the window, to put a kiss on the outside of her window so she can look at it while she's in there.
    I think we're all wondering what comes next and are praying it this illness does just disappear "like a miracle." Miracles, after all, DO happen.
    Praying for one right now.
    God bless.


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