Monday, March 30, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Quarantine day 15.  Just like the rest of you, we are in this until April 30th now.

Daughter and I have been doing virtual zoo tours online with our favorite area zoo.  It's been a fun way to keep a bit of normalcy and keep our sanity time.

Okay, now I need a tried and true pizza crust recipe using all-purpose flour (now that I cannot make Einkorn flour pizza crusts).  I have yeast.

I spent Sunday mostly in the kitchen.  I was tickled pink to get organic zucchini, and spinach, so those went into the freezer. There is a lot I am not able to get in organics, but thankful for what I can get.  I also made us some hummus.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .
Over the weekend we had to deal with flooding, heavy rain, thunderstorms and high damaging winds.  Today's weather is a high of 45°F, rain later again.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Frustrated, worried, anxious....who isn't, but our world just turned.  One daughter moved in, so we have 2 more dogs, another cat and a rabbit.  I'm not going to go into details, other than it was not due to her not having an income.  I am not feeling very "happy" this morning, as we have more to "think" about right now.  Sorry if this post is a bit down and out.  Just so much slammed on us in the last 24 hours, and a lot to deal with.

On my mind . . .
How this devastation is affecting everyone.  I don't know if there will be craft shows at all this year here.  Churches are still holding services with groups of people (I got word it's still happening in our nearest "Big City" and it's very alarming). Pick up your Bible, go online for a online not gather in groups!! 

On the breakfast plate . . .
I have no idea.

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV . . .
Re-runs of everything now that shows cannot operate live shows.  We are still watching Lonesome Dove off and on too.

On the menu . . .
Have no idea.  I may update this later.
-breakfast for dinner

From the camera . . .
I have nothing.  I haven't been out of the house other than to take the dog out or take care of the chickens.

If you didn't see my post a few days back....newbies.  Two barred rocks, one silver laced wyandotte, and three prairie bluebell eggers.

Looking around the house . . .
Who cares?  I'm just trying to remain sane. Our daughter's belongings are everywhere reminding me of her situation.  She has no car either and has a job.  Another pressing issue on our hands.  My car is still at another location, and not fixed due to all this stay-at-home order going on.  We have a plan to get it fixed, considering it's in a garage and safe distancing can still work.

Chore I'm not looking forward to this week . . .
Planting free organic lettuce seeds I received with a recent seed order.  Maybe...all depends on if I can do a pick up order for the soil.

To relax this week I will . . .
Pfht!  Adult drink.

Recipe I tried or want to try . . .
Stay tuned.

Prayers  . . .
Myself, our 20 year-old, my mother, the world, my husband and 20 year old who still work in this madness of what we call world, my Dad, our 18 year old (graduation is still in limbo), and any special requests. 


  1. My goodness you have got a lot going on in these very uncertain times. Stay safe.

  2. thanks mamasmercantile, we are doing the best we can right now

  3. Hi Kristina, I will email you my pizza crust recipe, we make it every week. i would think it would work with all white flour if that is what you have. I wish I could send you some of our whole wheat flour but I think the shipping would be pretty costly.

  4. Thanks Debby! I found some wholewheat on Etsy, but it's $10 a bag. Oye.

  5. Deep breath. Sending prayers for peace for you and your family. I've been going through my recipes and found this recipe that I'd forgotten but must have used often (before we got frozen pizza lazy) as it was laminated:
    It's from Wolfgang Puck. Perhaps we'll make homemade pizzas this weekend. Hope you have a better week!

  6. Seems like you have alot going on and all this is worrisome because all is closed and we can't DO anything.
    All assemblies SHOULD be annuled - it is dangerous :(
    Have a great week.

  7. Keeping you in my prayers!

  8. So much to worry about. Still, if one is not ill, so much to be blessed about too.
    In our frustration at being quarantined, let's remember that, and let's remember those not so blessed, like those unable to find the 6' limit - people living under bridges, children confined to cages, people in prisons and jails, those working in prisons and jails and hospitals, those needing chemo who dare not step out of the house now, the elderly and disabled, including military disabled who have no one to help them and MUST step out of the house and expose themselves to get food and most of all, our military and law enforcement, and those who are ill with this scourge.
    Lord God, thank You for those of us who are healthy and thank you for helping those who are not, in Christ Jesus name. AMEN!!!
    God bless.


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