Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, March 2, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

(boxed and ready to deliver)

I got a lot of crocheting over the weekend, and finished the baby blanket.  I delivered a few more crocheted orders, made a trip to the "Big City" when I could.  Hubby worked on the car, and no it's not fixed.  New parts were faulty, and returned.  New parts ordered online (auto stores did not have the one we needed with aluminum parts vs. plastic).

My planner is being used a lot lately.  Dates are filling up fast.  Got our daughter's rental hall booked for her grad party, and now working on a DJ for it.  I also booked an appt. with our daughter at her school for a hair cut.   I wanted to get in there before prices go up after she graduates.  April, May and June are getting booked up with plans as well.

Speaking of our daughter, she has already gotten a salon in line for a job.  Once she takes her state board exam she can start working, and they are excited to have her join.  She's young and can do up-do's, colors etc. and that's exactly what they were looking for.  The strange part, is we found out a friend of the family works there.  Who knew?  It's a nice salon too.  So happy for her and her hard work.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The weather outside . . .

On my mind . . .  
A lot.  We have a lot going on in March, including daughter's musical performance.  I won't be able to take any crochet/knit orders until late March either.  I think March is going to go too fast this year, but looking forward to some events.  Again, don't be alarmed if you don't see daily posts.  It's gonna be busy this month for sure.

On the breakfast plate . . .

A veggie loaded frittata with dash of Fire Powder for a metabolism boost.  Topped with garden swiss chard.

On my reading pile . . .
Still reading this, but had to write down the page, and return it to the library.

On my TV . . .
Hubby put on "By the Sea" until we realized it was an Ernest Hemingway movie (long and boring).

On the menu this week . . .
I have no idea.  We didn't make some from last week so...
-sweet potato and black bean enchiladas
-white chicken chili
-medicinal basil pesto pasta, beets (chickpea pasta, 23% less carbs)

-Snacking, home grown popcorn (holding onto one last jar), organic quinoa/chia tortilla chips and home canned salsa, fruit/nut/seed bars with organic coconut.

From the camera . . .
I haven't had my camera out lately.  Just my phone.  Odd, but true.

Looking around the house . . .
Not much to clean today thankfully.  I do need to tidy it up, do some laundry etc.

Chore I am not looking foward to . . .
I really can't pick one today.  It's simply routine, so I guess I'm just used to it all.

To relax this week I will . . .
Read if my book arrives.  I literally just ordered a copy from Thrift Books.  Considering I'm without a vehicle, my library orders are down to zero right now.

On my prayer list . . .
A friend of the family's mother, Mom, a continued grieving friend who lost her mother, our SIL who is has been moved to a different hospital.


Susan said...

That baby blanket and booties set is beautiful! Lucky baby! I hope the right (and working) parts come in so you can get your car back - it must be driving you crazy~!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Susan, thank you. Yes, the lack of a car is maddening, but I am trying to focus on deep cleaning, stuff to sell, stuff to make and donate, read (if my book arrives) and other stuff to stay sane. Cars are not built the same anymore. So frustrating.

Sandra said...

Awww the baby crochet items are adorable :)

Awesome on your daughter's achievements, that is wonderful that she already has something lined up for after graduation.

Have a wonderful week.

Luludou said...

hoping the car gets fixed quickly. Love the crochet set. Have fun with your book.

Carol said...

The baby blanket and booties are adorable. I wish I could get orders like that. I need to work on selling some stuff this week.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thank you Sandra, Luludou and Carol

Anonymous said...

That breakfast frittata looks mighty tasty. The blanket and booties are just beautiful. Forturnate for the person who receives them. Nothing better than handmade/homemade gifts. Have a wonderful week.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thank you Simply Cornish