Friday, February 21, 2020

Wacky Weather

Tiger has the right idea.  I may just join him. Had it not been for Romeo and the chickens, I would have stayed in PJ's all day yesterday.  Woke up to 6° and today it'll be 46°F tomorrow.

The Almond Butter Chocolate Chip cookies didn't last long.  We are fighting over the last of the last.  I had not made them for years.  Not sure what made me think of them, but surely enjoyed them.

Nothing much to post - wacky weather, car still not repaired.


  1. It certainly is wacky weather another storm hit this afternoon. Gale force winds with rain turning to snow during the night. I am yearning for a little sun...

  2. Bro Tom's PT Cruiser finally bit the dust too, electrical issue, it seems. So yesterday we went and bought another one. Thank God I've been saving money for it. It's a pretty black 2012 Chrysler 200, and so far (am I jinxing things?), it purrs like a kitten and is a joy to ride in.
    Things like the car Tom had which bit the dust, and maybe yours too, remind me of Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" (KJV) It's not giving up or giving in, it's turning one's head with hope to change instead of struggle.
    Praying you have a good weekend, and a safe one too. We still have remnants of snow here, just enough to harass the cat when she wants to go out. LOL
    God bless.

  3. RB, I was thinking the same thing. Buy a new one. Hubby insists he can fix it though.


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