Thursday, February 27, 2020

Parsley Sprouted

It took forever, but some of the parsley seeds have sprouted.  Makes me feel like Spring is just about here.

This morning however, it's snow covered and frozen slush everywhere.  School is closed.  It's 8°F out.  I'm thinking it's a crochet-PBS/Netlfix sort of day.  I got about 12 rows done on the baby blanket, maybe I can get 12 more on today.

Last night we had grilled cheese sandwiches with cowboy candy and Ezekiel bread, and home canned tomato soup.  I didn't need the cheese, but it was nice on a cold night. 

Our county is under a level 1 road emergency, and some a level 2 (which is the worst it's been this winter).  I'm ready for porch time, bare feet and sunshine. 


  1. I wish I could grow parsley; if the cats don't get it, the butterfly larvae do. LOL
    Been raining and blowing off and on lately. I was going to hang my newest birdhouse (looks like a frog prince) but I didn't want it blowing through some window, so it's still sitting on the porch. Maybe tomorrow I'll hang it.
    Ever thought about making bows to sell at craft fairs with your usual fare? I was reading and article about how a formerly homeless woman turned making bows into a multi-million dollar business, hiring women across the US to help with production.
    We're having ribs today, with smashed taties. Bro Tom brought home half a dozen Bob Evans smashed taties knock-offs that got sent to his store by accident. They were going to throw them out, but he stopped them and asked if he could have them. They said sure, so now I just have to figure out how to use them all. I was thinking maybe Shepherd's Pie tomorrow. That would be good, plus it's gluten free which I can eat and tolerate well.
    Praying everyone has a wonderful weekend, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  2. I too am looking forward to barefeet time and getting out into the garden. It feels like it has been a very long Winter.

  3. RB, thanks for the idea. I'm not sure if there is a market here for those or not. Some things sell and others don't.

  4. mamasmercantile, it has been a long winter for sure.

  5. You never know til you try Kristina - at least a couple. Have you ever tried opening an Etsy shop?
    God bless.


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