Saturday, February 8, 2020

Bills ~ Books ~ Cleaning and Organizing Continues

The first item on the to-do list Friday was paying bills.  Not the chore I enjoy, but done.

A few years ago, one of my cousins gifted me this book.  I have several regarding essential oils, but totally forgot about using oregano oil for fighting off a sinus issue.  I am hoping it works.
I'm reading this book now.  I am so happy to be back to reading a real book again.  I have already read her first book in this series, so this is the 2nd one.

I have several (like about 30) books from the library, and more to pick up.  I am (gulp) looking for new items to add to my "stock" for craft shows, reading up on writing skills and more gift ideas.

Extreme Clean Progress:
Worked an hour in the bedroom.  I had a lot of yarn and crafting supplies to put away.  I'm still avoiding the closet, but I will get it done.


  1. I'm going to tackle a closet today..not my favorite thing. I don't want to speak to soon, but I "think" I see something bright in the morning sky...could it be.....the sun?

  2. Faith, we are seeing a teeny bit of sun here too. You are brave to tackle your closet. I really need a room for my yarn and stuff. It takes up so much space in my closet. I may have to store it all upstairs in the spare room, but I lack shelving up there. It's still a possibility though.

  3. I have been avoiding my entire house. No it is that bad. One of those weird times when I had weekend company last week and then a week that looked pretty open but filled up. Got not much done and now a new week but this one is starting as full as the last one ended. Oh well it will still be dirty when I get organized, Have not forgotten you except when I have my phone in use . Will email now while I am thinking about it. 😂

  4. Still vegetating here in the grips of this virus with prayers it will end soon. Sister recommended getting a journal or diary at the Dollar Tree, and writing down each day how I feel, so I'm going to do that, cause I'm feeling I'm having more bad days than good ones anymore.
    Went to the acupuncture. She put tiny magnets on my ears to help me sleep. Never heard of that before, so it'll be interesting to see how they work. (Guess I better be sure not to walk too close the fridge, or else I'll magnet right to it. ROFLOL)
    Prayers everyone has a great week, and a safe one too. Remember to wash those hands. There's a lot of viruses creeping around everywhere right now.
    God bless.

  5. RB, I never heard of the magnet thing. I hope it works.


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