Friday, January 24, 2020

Pen Found ~ Daughter goes off grid (sort of) ~ Corn Meal? ~ Philly Stuffed Peppers

I found one of my pens!  I fired off a hand written letter to one of my cousins too.

Our youngest daughter is taking psychology in school this semester.  She came home the other day and told me she was now inspired to get off social media for 2 weeks.  Her choice.  Her idea.  I had to put my hand on her forehead and ask if she was feeling okay.  I'm so proud of her.  I bet she'll like it too.  She loves going off grid at the island.  She will allow calls and texts, but has deleted all her social media off of her phone.

My resource for organic corn meal has been out of stock for a long time now.  Has anyone noticed this?  Is it available from another resource?  Our stores have zero as well.

I finally made Philly stuffed peppers.  They were soooo good too.  I used a recipe online (Tasty), read all the reviews, and used organic ribeye steak (you can't find organic flank steak).  I'll definitely make them again.  I baked the peppers for 10 minutes prior to filling them, and cut peppers in half.


  1. Good for your daughter! It's quite amazing how tied we are to social media. Those peppers are to die for!

  2. Wow those stuffed peppers look awesome!!! Good for your daughter!!! The only social media I have is blogging now and it's on my computer. It's good to get away from it!

  3. Susan, so far she has stuck to no social media. The peppers were so good!

  4. Rain, she is always snapchatting, instagramming or fb posting. She's enjoying it so far. Thanks. The peppers were so good. I went light on the cheese too. I think organic cheese has a better flavor and you don't need much of it.

  5. Those peppers look amazing and I just looked at a recipe less than an hour ago. I am sure your daughter will enjoy the break from social media. We are so hooked as a society to our phones and all of the stuff that is out there.

  6. Nice peppers and a change from the traditional stuffed pepper routine.

  7. Philly stuffed peppers sound delicious!

  8. Those peppers look amazing! Bob's Red Mill has organic cornmeal and they do ship. We grow cornmeal corn here and sell cornmeal but it goes very fast. Last year's crop was very poor - what we did get we put in the greenhouse to dry more last fall. It should be ready to grind - not sure how much we will get but if I can spare some I will send some your way.

  9. Goatldi, the pepper were a nice change from using rice

  10. Well done to your daughter. Glad you found your pen.


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