Monday, January 27, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Thankfully, we didn't get much snow over the weekend.  It was cold, but not too cold.  However, we didn't get a lick of wood split.  We had lunch with the grandkids and who knew playing barbies and trucks and cars could be so exhausting (ha ha!).  We plan on cutting wood (gulp) every night this week after he gets off work.  

...and of course the pellet stove has not been installed.  I'm going to print out his "to-do" list so he can see it daily.  Maybe that will motivate him.

I made us a crock pot chicken Mexican style soup over the weekend. Although corn (cutting this out of the menu more often) was added, it was very good.  I am so glad I found this Chia and Quinoa tortilla chips (all organic ingredients).  Hubby can add a tiny bit of crunch and a small dollop of organic sour cream (although now I have to also watch the cholesterol a bit more).

Russell Crow (aka rooster) has not charged at me since the other incident.  Not sure if he was just having a bad day or what.

Speaking of chicken, I'm having a horrible time locating organic turkey.  I even tried the organic farm 1 hour from our place.  Nope.  I guess I'll be trying the health store today.  

I have a new recipe to try this week.  Crossing my fingers I get the time to make it.  

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .
In the 30's all week, cloudy.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

On my mind . . .
A possible winter getaway for a night, Daughter's upcoming grad party (what foods to prepare), and the garden(s) and seed orders.

On the breakfast plate  . . .
Eggs, Ezekiel bread and jelly, coffee

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV . . .
Watched the last season of The Ranch.  I think they ended it very nicely and I think there were tears in the room.

On my to-do list . . . 
Master bath
Dump Ash Bucket
Kitchen - dishes, counters, floors
Carpets swept
Make homemade foaming hand soap
Clean coffee pot (it's brewing pretty slow today)

On my to-do list this week . . .
Can jelly
Library visit
Make lotions and lip balm
Still working on cleaning utility room, will start washing windows (inside only) soon.
Figure out a "on the go" breakfast for the next few days

On the menu this week . . . 
-Cabbage/tomato/ground beef stew type dish
-Flounder, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes
-One pan dinner - organic chicken sausage/sweet takes/onion and asparagus
Have no idea yet.  

What I am creating . . .
The last order - Xl pot holder in gray.  I still need to write the list of what I need restocked, so I can stay on track.

From the camera . . .

We saw this over the weekend in another town.  I love the idea of recycling the newspaper/magazine stands into free food pantries.  There is much need for it I am sure.  

Chore I am not looking forward to today . . .
Not really a chore, but more of self care chore - working out.

To relax this week I will . . .
Write and read.

On my prayer list . . .


  1. The little pantry. love that idea...have not seen anything around here like that. Good idea whoever thought of it. Another gray day here, has been since .......? who knows when. No snow...thankful.

  2. Faith, we have a very thin layer of snow, and it has been so dark and gloomy here too. All of my kitchen lights are on while I'm cleaning this morning - candles later today.

  3. I always enjoy your posts, Kristina! They encourage me in so many ways! We have a litle pantry in our town (one that someone built), but what a great idea to house them in old newspaper boxes! I hope your week is off to a great start and blessings for a great week ahead! <3

  4. Reading your great sounding menu reminded me I forgot to plan for Friday! I think I'll throw fish at them, that sounds good :) Great idea for a pantry, I've seen the free little libraries but not the pantry idea. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. Jean, same here -lots of mini libraries but no small pantries. I love the idea.

  6. That little free pantry idea is wonderful! I will have to keep my eyes open for available newspaper/magazine dispensers. I hope you get your pellet stove installed - it would be such a blessing to not have to worry about cutting fire wood! Maybe you could dangle that in front of your hubby! We are able to find more and more organic foodstuff here, but it is still spotty. I am lucky to be able to find small farmers who grow organic, although the prices are high. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. I love the idea of that little pantry. Your soup looks delicious!
    I think Russel Crow is honestly the best name for a rooster. I make a stew with cabbage, very similar to yours.
    Have a beautiful week :)

  8. Your to-do list is already mostly crossed off - you go, girl!! And that little free pantry is so cute! I can't remember the last time I saw a newspaper machine like that. Maybe I just stopped noticing them.

  9. Love 'Russel Crow'... but I don't like roosters. We had one when I was younger and he was always charging us.
    In a poor area of town they put up a fridge where people can leave their leftovers and whatever for the homeless. There are restaurants around and they put stuff in the fridge too.
    I too make to-do lists for my husband.. it's just to help him along :)
    Have a great week

  10. Becki, very few of the newspaper machines exist anymore. We used to be able to buy the newspaper like that in a very small town near us. Not anymore.

  11. The little pantry was a delight to see but saddened that there is such a need. We have food banks all over the UK now for those in need, its heartbreaking.

  12. mamasmercantile, so many are struggling right now, it was nice to see the little pantry. They are trying to start up a few in the "Big City" as they are seeing homeless people. Not sure if they are coming in from other places or homeless locals.

  13. Would love to know what your to go breakfast will be. I'm always looking for something new for my husband in the mornings. Our town has the pantries you mentioned. Very handy all year long. People donate to it alot.

  14. Jen, we loved homemade breakfast burritos or egg muffins with meat etc, but I have to cut back on tortillas for Hubby. Thanks.

  15. I have yet to watch the last season of the Ranch.. I usually binge when it first comes on.. but this time while I want to it, I will be sad knowing its the I am putting it off. Sigh. Making lotion lip balm...interesting! Have a great week!


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