Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Snow ~ Crochet ~ Hot Cocoa

Most schools ended up closing yesterday.   Our school eventually closed too. Vehicles were traveling slow past our house, and I never saw one snow plow.  Although I wanted to go out for one last Christmas present, I enjoyed the thought of staying home and crocheting.

I whipped up a batch of homemade hot cocoa for gifting two people.  The gift-it list went down considerably this year.  My side of the family set a gathering date mid-January - no gifts, no Christmas traditional food, etc.  I guess you would call it a winter gathering (same thing happened last year).  They want a taco bar, so with Hubby not allowed to eat carbs we'll just take some low carb spinach or tomato wraps (or stuff for taco salad minus tortilla chips).  I love Christmas, and making homemade gifts, so this sort of depressed me.  I feel like my side of the family lets life keep us from celebrating Christmas anymore.

I indulged with a hot cup of hot cocoa myself.  I'll admit it was delicious.  Hubby can't have the sugar, so most of the batch will be enjoyed by our youngest daughter.

I also used up the last of the apples and baked a dutch apple pie.  I was worried it wasn't enough apples, but the apples needed used up for something.

I spent some time doing some handiwork as well, and finished the nail polish ornaments.

Sold an XL hot pad - more $$ going into the coop fund.


  1. That hot cocoa and apple pie look so yummy! Can you cook with Splenda so your husband can eat it? It's not get used to it. There's even a cook book. You can have your own little Christmas and remember the real reason for the season!

  2. It seems as though your handiwork might pay for a new coop. I hope that you can continue selling. I need to get back to selling on ebay and other sites. Our Etsy site does not have enough traffic. I might work on that as well in the new year.
    We have snow here and cold today!!

  3. Sam I Am, we don't use artificial sweeteners, but I am getting ready to order a natural sweetener to try.

  4. Carol, I opened an Etsy but never "opened" it to the public. I was worried I would spend more than I would make by listing stuff. I may try ebay though. Thanks.

  5. I am sure you will have enough for a mighty fine coop in the spring. I make my own hot chocolate mix, too, and it is such a nice treat when the weather is dreadful. It must be hard for your hubby - especially over the holidays - to keep to a low carb diet, but I know you will (lovingly) keep him in line!

  6. The pie and hot chocolate look wonderful. We don't get much snow down here near Raleigh, NC until maybe January or February. I did see some snow when I was up in NW PA for Thanksgiving though. First I saw, I had on a dark jacket, and exactly 3 snowflakes fell on the lapel of it. I was so excited. Funny when I think how much snow I trudged through up there as a child to get to school or a school bus. It was awful then, but the road clearing seems to be so much better now, or they close the schools down which I don't remember happening much when I was a child, though maybe it did. That was a long time ago.
    Praying everyone has a great day tomorrow, and a safe one too, remembering the reason for the Season isn't presents; It's CHRIST!!!
    God bless.

  7. Susan, it is hard to be completely carb/starch and sugar free.


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