Sunday, December 22, 2019

First Christmas

Normally I get up about 5am.  Not today.  Woke up at 7:30am.  Could be the warm, new cozy pj's I opened last night.  We have a tradition of new jammies Christmas Eve, but we opened them last night and do not regret it.

We had our first big Christmas yesterday.  I think we had 30-40 people there.  However, they forgot about beverages other than coffee.  Good thing we brought water bottles to refill.

I lack photos today, we were so busy yesterday.  The grands opened their gifts and were very happy.  Our daughter (with the grands) is married to a guy with two of  his own, so we gifted 4 grands.  

Today baking officially starts.  However, it starts with a trip to the grocery store.  We had planned on going last night, but we were zonked.  Literally so tired.  I'm glad we slept in. 

Last year we still had Jesse with us.  I miss him so much.  I know there is nothing we can do about a visit, so I may just get photos printed and put on the wall.  I pray every day we'll get to see him again.  This was a photo taken on Christmas day last year.  Hubby is in the background, sitting on a lawn chair, stoking the fire (we hosted last year and brought in all the lawn chairs).

I hope you are all enjoying the days before Christmas.  I love Christmas time and it's flying by way too fast.  


  1. I am glad the grands enjoyed their gifts. I can hardly wait for ours to open hers Christmas Day! I am super excited about all that she has coming! She will be thrilled!
    I hate that you have not seen that precious dog and I certainly hope that he is being well cared for as I know you were worried about him. It is sad that someone has to treat others as she does.

  2. Carol, I wish I would have put my foot down on keeping him, but he is registered as hers and we felt it was right to do on her part, but I still regret not putting my foot down since we had him so long.

  3. I feel your pain about not being able to keep Jesse, you know what I went through with Pavlov and Stella back in 2017 Kristina. Doesn't seem at all fair. I still have resentment towards their owner and I miss them both very much. Sigh.
    So nice that you had your Christmas eve early! Guess what? I took your idea and made Christmas eve bags. I sewed pj's for me and Alex and I'm going to put new slippers and Christmas socks (ugly socks!) in bags with some Christmas cookies! Thanks again for that idea, it's going to be a new tradition here.
    Wishing you and your hubby a Merry Christmas!!! xx

  4. Rain, I am so sorry you went through that with the dogs too. I'm excited that you two are doing the new PJ tradition. I hope you have a lot of fun and continue it. Merry Christmas!


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