Friday, December 13, 2019

Cold Front ~ My Zip is Back

Woke up to 18°F (felt like 9°F) yesterday morning.  We both forgot to stoke the fire before bedtime, so I was up at 5am getting it rolling to heat up the house.  We also had a thin layer of snow.  The chicken's water was frozen (I do not want a heat-able unit out in the barn), so I rotating watering units daily.

Woke up to this on the computer this morning.  Just love this kiddo.

I got my zip and zap back.  Maybe because of the cold weather, ha ha!  I was zipping around putting up more Christmas lights, and decorations.  Of course in between it all I folded towels, did more laundry, and put my craft totes away until next season.  I did the dishes, wrote out a shopping list, worked on the Christmas menu (cutting it down, but healthy and yummy), put some bows up outside, wrapped all the gifts, set rat traps in the barn, and brought in more wood.

...on the Christmas morning breakfast menu.  I know Hubby has to watch his sugar, so I'll drink one for him, ha ha!

There's one thing I'm really, really good at - making dirty dishes.

There's one thing I'm very, very bad at - watering my houseplants.

Thanks to my youngest daughter, I got an order for an infinity scarf. 

One of my simple pleasures?  Men's Christmas socks.  The only socks that keep me warm and fit (I wear size 11 shoes).  I ask for them every Christmas, don't get any, so I just go buy them.


  1. What wonderful uplifting notes from your daughter! I too can make lots of dirty dishes AND forget to water my plants! LOL! Yes, men's socks fit me better too....women's say 9-11 but they don't really mean it! LOL! Have a great day, stay warm and I hope you get a lot done.

  2. Thanks Sam I Am, I love the Christmas socks during winter since they are tall and warm my legs too.

  3. I'll have a mimosa with you! Your daughter is so sweet! :)

  4. I'll have a mimosa with you sans the vodka. I'm glad someone has their zip back. Alls I want to do is snuggle under the quilt.

  5. Cockeyed Jo, I still have a bit more to put out and more work outside, but so glad the weather is warming up a bit too.

  6. I'm not a huge fan of mimosa's, but one on Christmas morning like this might be perfect. I am sure we will have some kind of wine. I will see what I have on hand.
    I love the notes from your daughter. Our wood stove is always stoked before we go to bed, but this morning we were almost out of wood in it when I awoke. It's a bit nippy in here.

  7. Carol, thanks. We usually stoke the fire, but one night forgot. Whoops. It's getting colder here now too.


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