Friday, November 1, 2019

Behind ~ Gratitude

I realized I am behind on most everything, including homemade Christmas gifts.  I need to get cracking on this.

I am writing a to-do list for Hubby.  We need to get cracking on cutting wood, getting the air conditioners put to bed, and he needs to look at my dishwasher.  If it's not fixable, I'm considering taking it out and putting in another cupboard.  I don't want to invest in another one, especially with the holidays coming.  Hopefully it's an easy fix.

The rain fell all day yesterday, temps dropped and snow was predicted.  I don't even have the rest of the potatoes dug up (if there are any out there).

Today I am thankful for . . . 

Dirty Dishes  -  a well fed family
Sore muscles -  I'm alive
- hot coffee in the early 5am hour
- running water, running hot water for that power shower
- warm cozy slippers and slipper socks
- trees to cut and split
- my journals, I love to write


  1. I smiled when I read that you're thankful for dirty dishes. Doing the dishes (no automatic dish washer here) is my least favorite household task but each time I start to grumble about having so many to do, I truly am thankful for having enough food and the ability to cook with the dishes and the lovely hot running water to use!

  2. I'm back to the manual dishwasher ME! They make junk. It doesn't last. I've had 3 dishwashers. No more. I wash as I go. It's not a big deal anymore. I guess the novelty just wore off. Hand washing, warms you up in the wintertime, and gives you "thinking time".

  3. You and me both! There was gal that blogged this morning and told us it's only 54 days until Christmas? Yikes Batman! We had both better get a move on! LOL!

  4. Time is flying...our Thanksgiving is done, now Halloween, so I'm going to be concentration on the Yuletide holidays! Oh I'm grateful for running hot water too this morning as the winds keep shutting the power off and on.

  5. Thanks Mama Pea. Glad I could give you a smile today.

  6. Faith, you are so right about how they build them anymore. It's expensive to keep replacing them.

  7. Sam I Am, I sure hope this weekend has good weather.

  8. Rain, our wind was pretty wicked last night too. Now the sun is out, but cold.

  9. This gave me things to think on and be thankful for.

  10. Thanks Pat, it's been too long since I posted a gratitude post. Glad you all are enjoying it.

  11. I think it's a good idea to write a thankfor for list - it puts things back in their right place


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