Saturday, October 26, 2019

Weekend Work

Friday morning I realized I was completely out of onions, so dinner plans changed quickly, but easily.  I grabbed a container of frozen french onion soup, a bag of homegrown frozen carrots, some corn off the cob frozen corn, and a handful of homegrown potatoes - a last minute version of potato/carrot and corn chowder.  Believe it or not, it was delicious with some added milk and a dab of shredded cheese at the end.

The weather went pretty cold last night, and rain and wind will kick up today.  Again, we are glad we canceled our last camping trip.  It would not have been fun putting our pop-up down in the rain, wind and cold.  Sad we couldn't take off, but we took last weekend off.

I spent most of my day in my office (kitchen) area.  It was a paperwork day for sure.  Boy, am I the queen of sticky notes.  I finally devised a sticky note station, which is a string tacked under a cabinet and the notes are held on with mini clothespins.  It's all nice and tidy, expect for some papers that need shredded today.  It feels so good to finally see it in order now.  I am storing my mini clothespins in a small spice jar.  I even updated my canning journal, filed patterns and other paperwork. I still need to purge the filing cabinet, but I'm saving that for a snow day this winter.

Although we really need to be outside working, the weather is forcing us indoors, which is also badly needed (still, even though I've been cleaning).  I'm hoping for a few breaks in the rain, to put items back in their rightful places in the barns this morning.

The sunrise this morning started out beautiful before turning to clouds.  We have 100% chance of rain, and flood warnings.


  1. Yum, that chowder looked so good. I made a thick vegetable soup yesterday for lunch, it's the perfect weather for comfort food.

  2. Thanks Yarrow, it's been chilly here, and soup sounded good and easy.


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