Thursday, October 3, 2019

This and That

I baked my bacon in the oven for the first time.  It saves stove top space, but I'm not sure I like it that way.  I like crispy bacon, and this did not crisp up, nor was there much bacon grease to save.  I think I prefer stove top cooking.  What's your thoughts on this?  Instructions said 375°F for 15-18 minutes and I baked it 20.

I'm not sure I'll get to do too many craft shows this fall as planned.  One has passed, one is already booked up (I've tried to get into this other one for the last two years, but when I find out about it, it's too late.  I have one more to look into, but they haven't set a date.  If that happens, I'll be posting the items up for sale on my Rooster's Crow Farm blogspot.  

I snapped this picture the other morning.  It made me smile.  The clouds in the center formed the letter "C" - first letter in our grandson's first name (the one that passed).

The to-do list on making from scratch items has gotten a bit smaller.  I still have these to make though...

-calendula lotion
-face lotion
-lip balm
-homemade cleaning wipes

If I put the list here, quite possibly I'll remember to get them done, ha ha!


  1. Hi Kristina you have such a busy life,my hubby prefers to cook the bacon on the stove top ,he would have a fit if I suggested putting it in the oven,lol,he likes it cooking in it's fat,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  2. Never tried oven cooked bacon, but was Always wanting to… I prefer it crispt too… so I guess I won't try it this way.
    What do you do for the Christmas fairs?

  3. Sheryl, I do prefer it cooked in it's own fat. I like it super crispy too.

  4. Luludou, I at the craft shows I make and sell boot cuffs, slouchy hats, headbands, hot pads, dishcloths, scrubbies, crocheted jewelry, etc. In the future years ahead I want to get into leather jewelry crafting.

  5. I've been oven cooking my bacon for years. To save in cleanup and to keep the bacon grease I line a long low edged sponge cake pan with aluminum foil. Then preheat the oven to 375F. Layout the bacon strips and put them in the oven and bake until the desired doneness. I have to take the bacon out after 15 to 20 minutes because my husband likes his bacon chewy. I leave mine in until 30 to 45 minutes because I like mine crispy. I then take the bacon off and blot it between my "bacon towels" (two tea towels used specifically for blotting bacon grease). When the bacon grease cools while we are eating I then can pour it all from the pan into my bacon grease container which is an old Duke's mayonnaise jar I keep in the fridge. Let me tell you, eight slices of bacon will produce almost a whole cup of grease if done in the oven. It really does work well. You just have to watch it and check the timing to see how long you need to leave it in the oven. I have faith in you because you are a pro. It can be done.
    The picture of the sunrise is beautiful. I would have that printed larger and framed. It's a perfect tribute to your grandson.

  6. HI Kristina - catching up again - I see you have been busy as usual! I prefer to cook the bacon in the oven - I do 400 degrees, not sure how long but it does get crispy - have to watch it carefully so it doesn't get too overdone. I line my baking sheets with parchment paper and get lots of bacon grease. Usually I am cooking something else too, so it gets it out of my way. Also, it doesn't make such a mess, splattering all over the stop top. Like so many things, there is more than one way that works so to each their own, right?

  7. Kristina,,,
    I haven't tried the oven method for bacon,, and like you,, I like bacon crispy.
    I don't cook bacon in the house,, even in winter... I hate the I cook my bacon in a electric fry skillet out on the patio and ditto when we are camping... no greasy mess and no bacony smelling house...

    Oh Swell,,, now I am in the mood for a BLT!!!

  8. Katmom, I love to cook bacon over the campfire. No mess, grease goes right into the campfire.

  9. Hi, I bake my bacon on a foil lined rimmed baking sheet at 400 degrees. Usually takes about 20 minutes and I flip it once, I cook it until it is crispy. Pull it off the foil and drain it on paper toweling. I let the bacon drippings cool but while they are still liquid, pour off into my jar. Easy clean-up too. I love making it this way.


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