Monday, October 7, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

The year has definitely been a whirl wind for our family.  One the same day, our nephew and his wife both lost a grandparent.  I can't say that this Monday is a "happy" Monday at all, but I'll try my best.

We also go bad news Sunday evening. while driving home from taking homecoming photos.  The baby born in our family passed.  He was only 5 days old.  This was devastating news, and we had not even met the little girl. Our hearts break even more.  His Mom was our great niece, so that makes baby "B" our great great niece.  I just can't wrap my head around it after raising so many kids of my own.  An autopsy is being done.  I'm needing prayers as I know I will just break in half at this funeral.  My second infant funeral.  I feel like we are in a bad dream right now.

No life insurance, so once again a fundraiser is set up.  So many people have donated to the funeral for "Little Man" that I'm not sure if anyone has enough cash to help with this one.  

I sure am missing "Little Man" lately too.  I can't even imagine what pain both Moms are going through right now.

As for a garden update, I pulled all the carrots from the grow bags and planted my garlic in them.  It's very late to plant it, the way it rained the next day after planting the garlic, so fingers crossed.

And guess what I brought in?  I couldn't believe it myself!

3.7# of carrots (most small but some large ones too), and 3# of jalapenos.  I was so happy!  Carrot tops can be used to make mouthwash.  We saved some carrot tops for one daughter's rabbit too, and the carrot blanch water can be saved and frozen for a veggie broth base for a winter soup.  And of course carrot peelings can go to the chickens or compost.

We had a busy weekend, despite Hubby's long night hours.  It was also Homecoming for our youngest, so I had the title of "photographer" in the evening.

We missed out on a ride Saturday too.  Our biker friends grouped up and went (sadly without us).  It was the perfect weather for it too.  It's on the list for next year though.

Sunday I did a 2 hour craft show.  We didn't get that many customers, but we made a little bit and had a load of fun.

By the way, the dates we could go to the island, the place is booked already.  Plan B is in motion, but the island, aside from the Harley is our "sanity saver" in more ways than one.  We'll see what happens.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

~I'll link up when she posts~  Up at 5am

On the breakfast plate . . .
I have no clue.

The weather outside is . . .
56°F high of 66 F today.

Right now I am . . .
Getting ready to can cowboy candy

Thinking . . .
We've been through so much, I am looking forward to some good news, good stuff, good anything for us and our families.

On my reading pile. . .
don't have time to read right now

On my TV . . .
movies from the library

On the menu . . .
-Homemade biscuits, sausage gravy, fried potatoes and eggs
-have no clue, my mind just isn't straight right now

On the to-do list . . .
-empty and load dishwasher
-work on a set of boot cuffs and another bracelet
-can cowboy candy (if I get this done it's a good day considering I'm a total hot mess emotionally)

What I am creating . . .

A crocheted scarf in suicide awareness colors.  I will make a matching headband as well.  

Looking around the house . . .
It's too dark out this morning, but I'm sure it needs attention.

From the camera . . .
One of the many photos I took for homecoming - daughter (left) and her friend.  The boys were walking behind us at the time.  I love unexpected photo shots.

Prayer list . . .
Our nephew and his family, me and my leg, our daughter who continues to struggle every day with the passing of her son, my friends mother, our great niece and her family.  


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. May things begin to change for your family.

  2. Thank you Goatli, we need some good stuff going on now.

  3. Oh Kristina, my heart is so sore for you, you have been dealt one horrible hand after another. Try to stay strong.

  4. Thank you Sandra. It's been a pretty rough start of fall for us.

  5. So sorry for all of the loss in your family. Many prayers to you and all of the family. Cute photo of the girls.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news, my heart is breaking for you and the mothers of these precious little ones. Praying that you have the strength to bear another funeral.

    I'm amazed that you were able to get a post up this week but I hope that the messages from your fellow Happy Homemakers will bring you comfort.

  7. I am so sorry for your family's recent losses, Kristian. Sure seems like a lot lately. I know the pain of losing a child first-hand and am praying over all.

  8. How sad! So sorry for your losses - hope you get good news and just 'normal' weeks so you can start mending.

  9. Praying for all who loved these little ones. It's always been so hard for me to understand why God calls them home before they even have much of a life, but I do believe God knows what He's doing. Perhaps He was sparing them for some later illness that couldn't be cured. We may never know that, but we do know (and I believe they do too), they were deeply loved.
    God bless.


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