Tuesday, October 15, 2019

First Frost

Hunter's Moon 10-13-19 if you didn't get the chance to see it.  

The funeral for our great great niece is now behind us.  Another emotionally exhausting day yesterday.

Woke up today to 37°F but a possible high of 72°F.  I'll be burning calories today.  Oh my, my house, gardens, etc are a hot mess.  My clothesline will be in full swing today too.  I'm behind on everything, but ready to get to work.  I need to keep busy.

There has been no answer to getting a visit with Jesse.  I just don't understand a few of our adult kids, but still hopeful.

On a different note, my broccoli sprouts grew mold before we could even taste them.  The grow container I have, has too big of holes for these seeds.  If you have a resource for a container with smaller holes I'd love to hear from you.  I think I'll grow soil based microgreens next when I can though.  I placed paper towels in my container, but alas - mold (sad face).


  1. Isn't that a lovely full moon. Simple Joys....very nice picture. I took a picture, but it's not as nice as yours good job.

  2. Once again ((hugs)) for all you are going through. Hope you get to keep Jesse for a day - will do everyone good.

  3. Patriot Supply has a stackable one that I use and like!


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