Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fall Colors ~ Tomatoes are Out!

We are seeing some beautiful fall colors right now.  Yesterday, we were blessed with another dry, but cooler and cloudy day.  Dry is the key word.  I put on snow boots (still can't get my ankle in my muck books, and high tailed it out to pull tomato stakes.  Rain arrives today, and for about 24 hours straight.  Inside work resumes today.

Yesterday I finally (finally, as my family patiently waited), got homemade (organic) sausage put into a dandelion/egg/jalapeno/potato and egg scramble.

Speaking of potatoes, I pulled the sweet potatoes from my grow pot.  They are pretty long, but only the diameter of about a quarter or less.  They needed a longer growing season.    I'm saving them for another breakfast.

The tomato stakes and wimpy tomato plants have been yanked.  I was utterly and fantastically surprised to see jalapenos.  I'm not sure how hot they are, but we are about to find out.  Yum.  I was just pleased to make a bit of progress in the deconstruction of the garden.

Whiskey - Bacon Roasted Pumpkin Seeds.  Oh so good.  I sure missed them, but now it's the season, we are enjoying (just not homegrown this year).

We have a stray young cat coming around.  It responds to "kitty, kitty, kitty" and came somewhat close to the house.  It also comes to the cat food bowl.  I'm trying to get close so we can give it a safe place this winter, but it's slow going.

We tasted "Cowboy Beans" and they are somewhat like Four Beans and Sausage.  Similar taste, just different beans and meat.  It was good, but nothing to rave about, but a good hearty one pot everything meal. 

We have decided to put getting a rescue puppy/dog on hold until next year.  I need my leg healed first.  Medical bills are rolling in, and will roll in more if the surgery is approved.


  1. There's some satisfaction in getting the year's garden put to bed - even if it is just to get rid of the reminders of a lousy year! As we say, there's always next year. Bless your heart, taking care of the stray kitten. It's a hard life for them. Hope your surgery comes soon so you can concentrate on healing!

  2. I'm hoping you get your much-needed surgery really soon. My mouth was watering when I saw the jalapenos and green tomatoes. I'd be cutting some of the tomatoes for frying. Oh, sooo good. Jalapenos sliced with fried green tomatoes and potatoes. Yummy!.

  3. Thanks Susan, little kitty was back again last night.

  4. Here too in the GA mountains unfortunately it won't last long with all the rain we're getting.

  5. J.L. Murphey, it's not lasting long here either - wind and rain.


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