Wednesday, September 18, 2019

This and That

I am finally back to the stove for making a good and healthy breakfast.  Swelling in my foot and leg has gone down enough to stand a bit longer.

It's another scramble this week, but I haven't made a breakfast in over 2 weeks now - eggs, potatoes, onion, bacon, zucchini, dandelion greens, fire powder and garlic.

I was almost full swing back into my routine - sorted mail, washed, dried and put away a mound of dirty dishes, ran the dishwasher, washed a load of towels and hung them on the line, watched the pup, spritzed my sprouts (which are already sprouting, emptied trash, washed more clothes and put them on drying racks, and crocheted.  I have an order for a set of pot holders and another order for dish scrubbies.  Nylon netting was cut, but not much.  

I also got around to making crock pot beef burgundy, noodles and mashed potatoes and corn.  Thankful for a good meal and thankful I can pack a lunch for the Hubster (as well as breakfast).  A bit of "normal" has been reinstated.

No call from the surgeon just yet. Praying they call soon.

The totaled car has been hauled away thankfully.  

Hubby said we are having a pepper picking day this weekend.  He said we do have peppers.  I guess I need to check my empty jar supply today.


  1. You sound so happy and joyfilled doing even those "irksome" things as I like to call them, dishes and what not. The scramble sounds good. I happy that you are returning to your schedule and routine, there is something to be said for having one, it gives us purpose and directions.

  2. Thanks Faith, keeping my self busy really does help, and we need much order in this house (not to mention the gardens).

  3. Once again the breakfast scramble looks so tasty. Glad to read that you are getting back into a routine. You are in my prayers for healing, hopefully you will get the call soon.


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