Thursday, September 12, 2019

Putting a Stop to the King of "Take Out"

I'm doing a little bit more every day, although I am watching myself on not over doing it.  I'm still getting of handiwork time.  Adding more vitamin C to my diet with organic lemons.

I had partial day of help yesterday, and boy did it feel good to have a homemade dinner last night.  I dug through the freezer and pulled out meatballs, a jar of home canned pepper mustard sauce from the pantry, and I pulled a lonely last jar of home canned pickled beets (I do love my beets). This is why I also like canning and doing freezer food prep - you never know when you need something quick and easy and healthy.

I did a few more small loads of laundry, made a nettle tea infusion, and unloaded the dishwasher and put other dishes away.

My hands have been so dry from handiwork over time, that I'm putting lotion on the top of the list after the leg procedure is done. 

Speaking of my helper, it was my 20 year-old, and she even drove all the way out to the homestead to drive me to my sonogram (on my leg).  She even took me to the store for some much needed grocery items, black yarn and other misc items.  I'm so thankful for her offer to help out yesterday.  I had planned to drive myself.

Speaking of shopping, I had hoped to find a nice outfit for the funeral this week.  Nope.  They had long sleeved fall clothing and winter coats out.  It'll be 86°F and hot.  Guess I'll find something suitable in my closet.

As for the garden, we were due for rain yesterday, which I was forever grateful for.  I hope there will be a few more tomatoes to eat with this heat wave.  I got out my canning recipes too.  Here's hoping for a ton of jalapenos out there too.

Sorry I haven't been around to read your blogs.  I hope to get some visits in this weekend.  If you can, please say a prayer for our youngest daughter.  She's getting migraines from the emotional stress of the funeral, and my feverfew has not been harvested.  I hope to get some cut today for her for tea.


  1. Saying a prayer for all of you today. Oh how I hate migraines! I hope that you are feeling better soon, but I will continue to pray for healing for you.

  2. Thank you Carol. My leg is healing but slowly. Leg wounds always heal slower I think anyway. I just pray the surgeon reads my sonogram sooner than later and I can get my procedure sometime next week.

  3. Yay for your daughter helping out! I'm hoping that your procedure will be soon, so you can get back to normal before losing your mind!

  4. Kristina, your daughter and you all are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you.

  5. I will be saying prayers for all of you. My goodness I am still trying to catch up you are having a rough time of it at the moment.

  6. Praying you are well again real soon.
    God bless.


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