Monday, September 23, 2019

I'm Back! ~ An Island Retreat ~ Happy Homemaker Monday

Friday morning's sunrise.  Thank you to all of you who sent me a card.  It was much appreciated.

We stole away to the island for our "off grid" retreat, and it was very restful and much needed.

It's truly off grid.  You can't get text messages or cell service for internet either at our rental.  Only at one end of the island.  We all really had a peaceful time.    They have very few stores, which we like about it.  The have a re-sale store inside an old house that funds a local island church.  I bought a vintage table cloth.  

Funny where you meet people.  Our waitress at breakfast is from my birth town, and she is a teacher at daughter's school.  Her parents are from the island, and she works there on the weekends.  The island is a little over an hour away drive, so that was just pretty funny.

We saw so many deer on the island this trip too. One crossed the road in front of our golf car.  I saw a fox early morning too.  I bet the deer taste good too during their hunting season.  There are cattle, horses, goats and chickens on the island, but no crops other than grass to feed the animals.

I had the best wine over on the island.  They have a winery and a brewery.  Actually two wineries.  I enjoyed the wine while over there, but next trip I hope to bring a few bottles home.  It's just pricey - $15.50/bottle.  We plan to take our growlers over next trip too, and bring home some of their homemade beer too.

We've made friends with a woman who sells handmade jewelry out of her garage, so we always make a stop to visit her too.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  Last night we got an alert from the Sheriff's office.  There are cars being broken into in downtown of where we live (small town).  I'm on the look out now.

Our broccoli sprouts are growing wonderfully.  What's your best way to eat these besides on a salad or sandwich?

The weather outside is . . .
Raining early this morning, high of 76°, mostly sunny after the rain stops.

On my reading pile . . .

On the TV . . .
Movies.  I just ordered a movie from our library.

On the menu . . .
I have no idea.  Just getting back to reality today.
-tuna and noodle, mashed potatoes, asparagus
-sloppy charlies, veggie
-southwestern black bean burritos

On the to-do list . . .
-start tinctures
-do dishes
-unpack and put stuff away
-pick peppers
-water microgreens
-Dr. appt.  (I will have some answers very soon to share) All of our weekend plans will depend on the surgeon's decision.
-Take a form to the school for daughter, pick up another one
-take trash out
-trip to the grocery store
-library returns and pick ups
-email our friends on the island
-crochet two more dish scrubbies (order I received prior to island trip)
-start a XL hot pad (another order)
-start another set of pot holders (another order)

What I am creating . . .
I finished a set of pot holders while on the island.  I started a dishcloth too.  Watch for a handiwork update soon.

Looking around the house . . .
Considering our situation prior to our "wellness weekend" and the fact we just got home last night, it's in need of a good cleaning.  The kitchen is my main focus this week, then the bedroom, front porch and the garage.

From the camera . . . 
The sunrise was not much to see on our trip unfortunately.  It was cloudy, on top of too much obstruction this time of year, but still enjoyable to watch.

Prayer list . . .
Myself and my leg, our daughter who lost her son, personal requests.


  1. You seemed to have had a wonderful and much needed retreat. will be sending positive thoughts for your let and sending hugs to your daughter.
    Sunset picture is beautiful. Have a great week

  2. Broccoli sprouts are good on a salad bur IMO, they will ruin a sandwich-they are very strong tasting, not like alfalfa sprouts at all.

  3. The Island sounds amazing certainly my kind of break away. Hope the retreat did you some good and that you feel a little stronger. You have had so much to deal with lately you are in my prayers. Hope you have some positive news fro the doctors.

  4. Glad your time at the retreat was good! Love the sunrise pics!! Have a great Monday!

  5. What a lovely spot for a retreat, I'm so glad you had a restful time. I've never heard of broccoli sprouts, are they like alfalfa sprouts? Praying for continued strength and comfort for you and your family.

  6. Thanks Pamela. The broccoli sprouts are eaten like alfalfa, but I'm told better on a salad.

  7. Glad you were able to get some rest. Your island retreat looks beautiful and sounds very restful. Continued prayers for your family's healing. Hope you have a nice week.

  8. Thanks Goatldi. If we can figure things out, we may try for one more visit, although most businesses (not very many over there either) close for the season right now.

  9. An off grid getaway sounds lovely and I'm glad you feel rested. Continued prayers over you and your family. <3


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