Monday, September 16, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Hubby put the totaled car engine up for sale.  He literally got an interested buyer within a few hours or less.  The car has been sold. They even have a trailer to pick it up this week.

The same people may be buying our old truck as is as well.  That would be awesome.

My broccoli sprout seeds have arrived and are started.  Can't wait to taste them.

The roosters finally went up for sale.  We are keeping one.  I'm offering them to a family friend first, so we'll see.  We have one person interested so far.

We had donated a large amount of shredded chicken for the meal after the funeral, and there was half of it left, so we took it to a family birthday party on Saturday.  It worked out great.  Nothing left over.  

Sunday we picked up a flower arrangement and an angel solar light and made a visit to our grandson at the cemetery, then made a visit with his Mom.

I'm praying my surgeon calls and schedules my procedure.  I need a ride on the sanity saver (Harley) in a bad way.  We also need a Wellness Weekend off grid.  We all do.  We are completely emotionally exhausted.  My main focus this week is to get some healing time mentally.  If I am so exhausted I can't even imagine what our daughter (mother to our grandson) is going through.

Our youngest daughter has gotten several migraines due to emotional stress (see prayer list).  She is home again today for a grievance day.  I made her feverfew tea yesterday and will again today if needed.

I've gotten a few orders this week, which I am thankful for.  It will keep me busy and keep my mind off things - a set of pot holders and some dish scrubbies.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom Today.

The weather outside is . . .
High of 80°F, sunny

On my reading pile . . .
I haven't been in the mood to read

On my TV . . .
Whatever movies we find on Amazon prime

On the menu . . .
Crock pot beef burgundy, noodles and mashed potatoes
Something grilled maybe
....have no idea

On the to-do list . . .
clean up kitchen
check jalapenos and pick them if we have enough
crochet orders I recently received
Deliver some hot pads that were ordered

What I am creating . . .
Another set of pot holders, nylon dish scrubbies, and a boho beaded bracelet.  

Looking around the house . . .
It's a hot mess.  We'll get some order in it as I heal.  I'm starting to walk almost normal, so I'm praying for a quick healing to get back to a tidy homestead.  Even the porch, flower beds are a hot mess.  Just everything is a hot mess.

From the camera . . .

Sunday morning sunrise.

Prayer list . . .
For myself and my leg to heal and for the surgeon to call ASAP and schedule the procedure, for our daughter who just lost her 4 month old, for a young man who our youngest was friends with (even came to one of her parties here) who was recently hit by a hit-and-run driver a few days ago and passed away (he was a 2019 graduate {18 years old} and was just starting college, he was hit while on campus at his college), our 20 year-old who is sick right now with a sinus infection and an ear infection, for my Mom and nephew and niece who all have a horrible cough, and other personal requests.


  1. Hi Kristina ,fingers crossed that you get to sell a few things,my heart goes out to you my friend and your family,sending you a big hug xx

  2. Many continued healing prayers for you & your family. Your sunrise photos are beautiful. Hope you continue to heal and get some emotional and physical rest this week.

  3. Funny how when the cars don't run anymore they sell quicker! we sold my son's car a few weeks ago in a few hours and they picked it up with a trailer too! I like when we can get this things taken care of quickly.

    Will keep all of your family in my thoughts ((hugs)) to you all for all you are going through.

  4. Oh my I am so so sorry for the loss of your grandson! I am praying for your whole family! Praying you get a call from the surgeon. Seems like there is a lot going on in your life right now! Just remember Gods got this! Praying for you! Hope you have a good week!

  5. Congrats on selling the car so fast. Those sunrise pics are gorgeous! Crock pot beef burgundy, noodles and mashed potatoes sounds yummy!! Keeping all of those on your prayer list in my prayers. Have a great week!

  6. Thank you Jodi, we were so happy to sell the car. Next is the old truck.

  7. Something grilled maybe sounds delicious! We have all moments like that. Dinner could be something, or whatever, or I'm not sure - decisions, decisions.

    I am praying for you and your family. Such a difficult time for all of you. I can think of a dozen cliches that will say it will get better, time is a healer, etc., etc., but only you can decide how and when. Definitely take some time for yourself, even an hour or so will help.

  8. You all sure have a lot going on right now. Am glad you sold the vehicle so fast, but am so incredibly sorry for the loss of your grandchild and for the loss of the young man that got hit by the car. Am lifting all of your prayer requests before the Lord.

  9. Thrilled to read you have sold the car, here's hoping the truck will be sold too. My heart goes out to you and your family at this sad time, you all continue to be in my prayers.

  10. Thank you Pamela, Rebecca and mamasmercantile

  11. Kristina, my heart goes out to you and your family, there is so much going on right now with you. Praying for your daughter as she goes through the grief of losing her baby and for your other daughter dealing with the effects of her accident.

    Glad you sold the engine and fingers crossed for selling the old truck too.

    Hang in there, friend.

  12. Continuing in prayer for healing and health for you and your family. I can't imagine what your daughter is going through losing her 4-month old. Sad beyond all measure.
    With love.
    God bless.

  13. Sorry I'm running so late this week! Keeping you and your family in my prayers! I'd send you some Fall if I could - so glad it's here! Have a GREAT weekend.


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