Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

Not from our garden, but organic.  I got 4 pint bags in the freezer so far.  Organic is pretty difficult to locate, so when I see it right now, I'm buyin' it.

Our first picking.  It's a meal, but nothing yet to freeze. Poo!  You can tell how horrible of a year it's been for us. 

It's still raining.  Yay!  The garden will love it.


  1. We need rain bad! I have gotten some squash and zucchini from the garden, but the tomatoes are poor.

  2. Some years it's a bumper crop and some years it's a bust. Maybe next year will be better. Lucky dog. Getting rain is like a dream here. Far fetched.

  3. Carol it's been too dry now. Always a battle.

  4. Leanna, we haven't had a good garden year for 3 years here now. Sort of sad.


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