Thursday, August 8, 2019

Puppy Pics ~ Morning Fog ~ Pathetic Garden Harvest

I've been on "puppy duty" for a few days now.  He's such a good puppy too, but I think he senses I am a bit sad inside.  He's been stuck to me like glue, refuses to nap until his "Mom" comes home, and literally barks at me and whines, to get into my lap (ha ha!).  Before someone tells me ropes are bad for dogs, we soak it and freeze it for teething and we keep it frozen so he doesn't eat the string.

He knows "sit" and will go to the gate or door to tell us when he has to go out, and if I'm busy at the sink or whatever, he'll bark to tell me he has to go out.  He's very smart.

Ha ha!  If he could speak at this moment, it would be "But I don't wanna go back in yet!"  He is such a stinker, but a cute stinker.

His Mom came home with flowers and a treat for me.  She said here Mom, I knew you were missing Jesse and thanks for watching my dog.  It put a smile on my face for sure.

The early morning temperatures have been what we call "great camping weather."

Even the chickens are slacking right now.  I don't want to make predictions just yet on the tomatoes, but I have a bad feeling it'll be like last year - small, not all ripe at the same time, not enough to can everything we need restocked (you can't buy bulk organic paste tomatoes from local produce stands).  The beans remain small, and the plants too.  The green peppers are getting starts on them, but plants are half the size.  Knowing all of this, we are now even more set to NOT plant a garden at all next year if rain is as bad as this year.  The struggle is real.  I'm about ready to trade in the house for a motor-home, with a toy hauler, and just go.

Anyway, not meant to be a "negative" post, but sharing the reality of our garden this year.  Not all of us have it good.


  1. What a cutie pie! Almost makes me want to get a puppy....not really.

  2. Thanks Sam I Am, he really is for the most part a good puppy. Just needs a bit of training on manners, but he is very smart.

  3. beautiful cloudwatch...your little pal will help you and bring you joy. That is good thing.Mi ssing blogging. I wonder if the bots from Netherworld are gone?

  4. OMG! Such a sweetie! He sounds like a good boy too. I found if you talk normal but break down your phrases once in a while, dogs will start to understand everything you say because they recognize certain words. I talk normally to Lucy all the time as if she were human and she understands when I say the keywords in a regular sentence. She has become quite the smart sweet dog.

  5. He is so cute! Sorry I've missed so many posts. I had to read back to find out why you are sad. I'm so sorry about your losing the other dog. You can get real attached in 10 months. Hopefully she will bring him back. Take care. Oh, hope your tomatoes do good. Tomatoes and cucumbers were about the best thing in our garden. The peppers and squash did terrible. Funny how you never know what will grow and produce.

  6. The dog is adorable. We recently "acquired" another one. One we had placed with a bi-polar/PTSD vet did well until the vet got a new girlfriend. Bro Tom went over to check on the dog Sunday, and found he was in his pen with NO water and moldy food. Bro went in and raised cane with the vet and brought the dog back here. So...starting over again with Milo (the dog).
    With the unpredictable rain, crops are having a hard time down here too. I don't know anyone who plants tomatoes anymore, unless it's cherry tomatoes which seem to be able to get through anything. And the green beans have either been skinny or brown spotted. In truth, such is life in farming though. Maybe next year will be better.
    A little sore today, in the back thighs and glutes. PT has had me doing the stationary bike. They asked yesterday if I wanted to skip it cause I was sore, and I said, no - the soreness probably means I need it, so on to 10 minutes worth I went. I'm doing much better recently. Haven't had to use my cane since Sunday morning, the vertigo just disappeared - hopefully forever, but we all know it's in God's hands.
    Praying for a great evening for everyone, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  7. Faith, ha ha! You made me laugh. I bet they are gone.

  8. Henny Penny, our squash isn't producing a thing sadly. One then it died.

  9. It's always difficult when any part of the garden struggles. Corn and okra are a bust for us this year, and maybe cukes too, after such a hopeful start. Maybe I need a puppy to happy things up!

  10. Leigh, it's been a frustrating last 3 years in our area. The weather seems to be our issue. Romeo has been such a blessing around here, especially now that Jesse has been taken by his "Mom."


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